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Knee high grass whips her legs.
The sun blares down on the farm. Yes, we are on a farm.
She walks forward. Down the hill, away from the house.
A grey wisp floats behind her. Something hidden in the grass prehaps?
She stops at the edge of the farm, a stream on the border of the forest.
Nothing happens. The wisp is still.
Water trickles gently. Clouds float through the sky.
But the forset looms over it all. Casting shadows and a gloomy presence.
Then she raises her arm, palm facing out.
A haze lingers around it. The wisp becomes aggitated. I don't know how I can tell. I just do.
The haze becomes stronger. And suddenly a man stands across from her.
On the other side of the stream. Dressed in black.
Her hand starts to fizz. And energy pulses from it.
Then, as it explodes, the wisp pounces on her.
The energy knocks the man down. I can tell he is dead.
And the wisp encases Sami. She thrashes and pounds but the wisp holds tight.
It becomes darker and more solid.
Now it is black. And round like a giant ball.
It starts to roll back up the hill. I can't see it.
It is burried in the dry summer grass.
The wisp reaches the house and bangs itself against the door.
The house is a faded red. It is peeling and obviously very old. The door is a very pale blue, the handle rusty copper. Everything creaks and the windows are frosted.
The ball rolls inside when it opens. By whom, I don't know.
We enter the house. No-one is inside.
It is completely abandoned. And has been for a long while.
Cobwebs stretch from corner to corner. A thick layer of dust coats everything. The couches are faded and are almost leaning against each other to stay standing.
But the fire place is filled with black and white ash. It is still smoking. Orange sparks pop.
A log smoulders. How...odd.
Cracks appear along the ball. Grey smoke eases out of it.
Then it shatters into little black shards.
There is nothing to see.
The black shards swallow the scene.

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