2- The Bunker

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As the fifth sun rose high on the sky and first sun caressed the ever stretching horizon of the desert, they bore witness to a group of people dressed for battle trekking through the scorching sands.

"Marius, the main responsibility of this exploration falls on you. Make sure to investigate the things the council told you to. That bunker could very well be a safe house for the people in sand town when the monsters attack next time."
Darian, the old representative of the city council muttered in a low voice to Marius.

"I understand. Leave it to me. But are you sure kids should be allowed to go in all by themselves?"

"Marius, everyone has their own opportunities in life. We can't stop them from taking risks. I've already done best when I declared that anyone under fourteen can't go in and if someone's achievements in battle falls under the bronze rank, they certainly won't be allowed. Old man Yot's third grandson threw a tantrum when we tried to make the rules more strict."

Marius snorted. "That boy has more fats in him then muscles. He hasn't been able to learn how to hold a sword properly because his palms are too soft from all that fat. Indeed, the old saying isn't wrong; if you don't seek death, you won't die."

Darian coughed very loudly, probably noticing the fact that a meatball shaped boy was glaring at the two of them viciously.

"Isa, have you decided which team you'll join?" Rowan asked.

"No one wants to take me! All of them tell me that I should team up with that fatty grandson of Yot," Isa grumbled.

"I know I'm not exactly thin, but do they have to go to that extent to mock me? So childish...!"

Rowan decided not to comment on that. Kids are cruel. They'll learn when they grow up and become a mature adult. But he was also aware of the fact that sadly, most people don't mature well despite growing up.
And of course, most kids were also aware of the fact that Isa wasn't exactly an honest, hardworking person. His infamy for slacking was a thing of legend among his peers, only second to his reputation as the guy who simultaneously defeated five guys in an eating competition between towns. Isa himself didn't seem conscious of the problem.

"Eh...Then just come with me."

"You don't mind?" Isa asked incredulously. His incredulity made Rowan suspicious about whether he really was as oblivious about his incompetence as he seemed. But the arrow had already been shot.

"Yes, I'm serious."

"Brother! You're my brother!" Isa tearfully tried to hug him, which made Rowan feel like a small toy in the evil clutches of a toddler.

"Heyheyhey- stop hugging me!"

"Heck no! We'll become inseparable, legendary brothers, and establish a dynasty where food is free... !"

" ...The girls are staring at us weirdly."

"...huh!? Shit, the rumours last time was enough! Let's not walk close to each other..."

Isa immediately let go of Rowan and composed himself, completely ignoring his previous passionate declaration of brotherhood.

......... ............ .......... ........

The bunker was found inside a deep ravine at the deepest valley of the desert. Some parts of the valley were so deep inside earth that no one had enough guts or resources to venture inside, despite the fact that these valleys always had lush, green environment where uncommon herbs, animals and less dangerous monsters could be found.

"Each of you will come down while maintaining a distance of six feet at least. Tie the rope around your waist and don't forget to tighten your belts, because if it gets loose in the middle of the climb, there is no way to prevent your privates from being displayed gloriously." Airo, the snarky leader of the explorer team declared loudly while checking the rope's condition.

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