6- First wave

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[ Host's stats:-
   Strength: 0.7
   Speed: 1.3
   Physique: 0.9
   Elemental affinity: Fire (level-1)
                                            Earth (level-1)
   Innate ability: none awakened
   Mutational compatibility: 63.2%
 Constitution limit: rank two(evolvable)]
The glowing chart made Rowan dumbfounded. What was up with the new stat? Chip warned him about dangerous mutation; was this the result? Elemental affinity?

But Rowan had no time to think things through. The whole town was in chaos. Screaming, groaning, crying sounds came from all directions. Pushing off the ground with his hands, Rowan slowly stood up and surveyed the area.

Some people, like him were feeling much better as the pain wore off. But many were still lying on the ground, some were even having seizures like epileptic patients. Rowan hurried towards the closest person to him, an old man whose face he knew but wasn't acquainted with. The old man was frothing from his mouth, his eyes glazed over. Trying to calm him down, Rowan suddenly felt a flash of inspiration.

"Chip, scan him."

scanning...discovered unknown mutation process.
Strength: 0.6
Speed: 0.6
Physique: 0.5
Elemental affinity: water (level-1)
Innate ability: none awakened
Mutation compatibility: 52.43%
Constitution limit: rank two(evolvable)]

Astounded by the discovery, Rowan gaped at the grandpa as colour returned to his face and the pain seemed to lessen. Rowan helped him sit up before running toward another person, this time a boy slightly older than him.

Again, he discovered the elemental affinity stat. After repeatedly scanning, he found out most people had one or two level-1 affinity, as well as some having three affinities or some having level-2 ones.

As most people recovered from the pain and shock, a booming sound came from the west side of the town, at the direction of the desert.


A bestial rumble cut through the town, drawing the attention of every townsfolk. Then a few moments later, sounds of massive demolition came, along with people's shouts.

"It's a double-horned basilisk! Run!"

"It's an adult one!"


Rowan's heart trembled as his mind visualized what happened in there. An adult double-horned basilisk grew up to dozen meters in length and could easily crush any normal creatures. It could be named as a king of monsters in the desert. Battle formation number three dealt with massive creatures like that,  But without the most powerful battle experts of the town joining in, all attempts at defeating it were futile.

Before long, Rowan heard more and more commotion coming from the northern side too, a poison toad having attacked there. Looking down, Rowan saw his feet shaking from fear and tension. He had never been a brave, 'manly' warrior and this situation was freaking him out. Too many things had happened without him being able to adjust himself to the situation.

As the noise of battle grew louder Rowan decided to screw it all and started running at the direction of his house in southern part of the town. While running as fast as possible, he noticed multiple teams of battle experts running towards the danger and felt relatively calmer.

After running for a few minutes he had reached the south part of the town his house was almost visible when disaster struck.

Host is in extreme danger, dodge left  ]

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