27- An Experiment with Swords

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Archmage Fallspark stood on the edge of the bottomless pit in the desert that led to the bunker. His expression was thoughtful and his eyes moved along the ridges as if searching for something. As a humid breeze swept past him into the gargantuan ravine, his back suddenly trembled. Hands raised instinctively, he drew symbols upon symbols in the air that were invisible to the naked eye. Just as he stopped, the air in front of him distorted and a whirlpool like outline appeared, from which a long illusory thread came out like a snake. The archmage caught it in his hand and sighed with relief as he muttered, "finally! Took him long enough. Let's see what's so special about that legacy..."

In the next second, he swallowed the thread like noodles and closed his eyes as if savoring the aftertaste. His eyelids wrinkled suddenly and his physical motions became very, very still. A long stretch of silence passed. The archmage finally opened his eyes that were filled with shock and doubt.


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In a dark dilapidated cellar, a group of adults stood, each of their appearance masked with various strange methods. The only thing they all had in common was the hostile aura emitting from each of them.

"I believe this method is quite ingenious. The younger generation needs to shine by themselves. If we interfere, it'd make too much of a disturbance. All of us have been living in this town for a very long time now. None of us wishes to see it brought to destruction," an old sounding voice came from one of them.

"I agree. Our following generation represents our glory and future. They should get what they deserve. If they have the ability to find a powerful legacy, then it should be made possible with their own effort," another voice, this time female, rang out in agreement.

"I refuse. Not all of us have descendants who are immensely talented or significantly powerful. It's already risky enough that they are going to explore the bunker all by themselves. I believe we should do our best to help them and decide the share of the legacy depending on the older generation's strength as well," a new muffled voice spoke in a dissatisfied tone.
His opinion seemed to gain many nods of approval as well.

"Then let's settle it with a vote. We don't need to fight out lest it attracts unwanted attention. Those in favour of the former suggestion, raise your hand."

Ten hands rose in the air. The man who had been counting chuckled and said, "looks like there is no need for the next step. It has been decided. The representative elders of each force shall abide by this rule and won't interfere with the following struggle for legacies and let the young ones work it out among themselves. Those who refuse to obey shall be knocked out of the competition. "

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"You're telling me that everyone is banding together to explore the dangerous parts of the bunker? EVERYONE?!"

Rowan's disbelief was evident in his tone as he gaped at the two kids standing in front of him. Marius nodded seriously in answer to his question. Of course, Rowan's disbelief stemmed from the fact that there were likely many kids his age in this town who were already familiar with the concept of legacies and probably had astonishing progress in their own inherited legacies, perhaps even reaching near rank one. It could also be guessed that most of them were secretly hostile to each other due to different ethnicity and political differences. Then why would they be so co-operative now? Simply because they didn't have enough strength to explore the bunker themselves?

Unlikely. What were these guys up to?

"Yes, everyone has agreed. We'll be going there next week. I'm not sure about the exact date. So prepare ahead," Marius explained impatiently while repeatedly glancing at Isa standing beside him. Isa scratched his head and ignored whatever Marius was trying to convey with his eyes. Sighing in defeat Marius said goodbye and left while dragging Isa back with him.

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