16- Sword Versus Sound

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"You're telling me that a little mortal with some shitty, nameless, sword art legacy defeated you, despite you having the advantage...ARE YOU EVEN QUALIFIED TO CALL YOURSELF A MAGE? YOU ARE SIMPLY A DISGRACE TO THE HEAVENFIRE ACADEMY!!!"
An enraged shout came from the man sitting behind the large table in front of Turio. His eyes seemed to spout lava as he glared at the trembling Turio.

"Master, it's not a nameless legacy...My great grandfather-"

The man yelled furiously before toning down his voice, "cannot you even comprehend the sensitivity of our current situation? We can't afford mistakes or death awaits! What do you think will happen if the boy reports it to their council? Even though they need our help, this will definitely create suspicion and could foil the main reason we're here for."

Turio gulped nervously. Although the blademaster's legacy wasn't one of the seven infamous mystery legacies, it was still a powerful one. Despite being unknown to most historians, this legacy was probably among the high-tier legacies. At least that's what his great-grandfather told him. But his master's anger wasn't entirely baseless either. He really had been rash that night when he had attacked Rowan.

Master Fallspark stood up from his chair and walked back and forth inside the room with an worried expression. Finally he glanced outside the window and muttered,
"Looks like we'll have to speed up the process. Go inform Rhea. Start the Preparations. Can't afford to waste time anymore."

........ ......... ........... ...........

Rowan was quite pissed. Turio had played it well, giving him a technique that would harm him when used. He knew that going back to pick a fight over it with him would only result into more trouble. He didn't have the power to oppose master Fallspark. Given how shameless that guy was, he'd definitely cry like a bullied little girl and complain to his master if Rowan pushed him too far. He also didn't want to give away more techniques from the diary. Although he could try to trick him with fake techniques, he was sure that Turio had enough prowess in sword techniques to see through it; after all, he did seem quite familiar with the legacy.

With a sigh, he decided to go out to hunt again. This time he'd explore the furthest reaches and the most remote areas of the marsh. After battling with monster beasts for so long, he had some idea about the creatures in there and was confident about being able to handle most of them, unless of course, there was a rank one monster hiding in there somewhere; in which case, he would be walking to his death. But it's not like he had a choice either. The usual creatures at the marsh wouldn't give him any more enhancements. He wasn't strong enough to go into the deeper part of the marsh like last time. And small, weak monsters in the shallow area barely yielded satisfactory results. He had to find new and stronger monsters.

"Same formula, I guess. Except I really should avoid these deadly crises that pop up every time I go out..." Rowan muttered under his breath as he held the small vials of potion in his hands.

After his uneventful patrol duty that day, he quickly returned home to concoct some potions. He didn't have much of a chance to look for ingredients and herbs last time. So his stock was nearly empty. After squeezing out every drop of his concentration and effort, he managed to create two potions- one paralyzing and the other a laxative. He wouldn't use them unless it was an emergency, he decided. These would be his trump card if a strong monster chased him again. He also produced some poisonous liquid when he failed to concoct properly. With no idea about what its effect was except Chip's warning that it was poisonous, he applied it on his sword. Who knows, maybe it'll be of some use.

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