19 - A Desperate Boy

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Two figures ran along on the dusty road, under the light of the eclipsed suns, their figure greatly contrasting due to the difference in size. Perhaps if an unfamiliar person saw this visage from afar, they would assume they were father and son taking a sweet, fresh jog in the morning to start a new, happy day.

However, reality was much, much different from this beautiful fantasy, because these two figures were "friends", and right now they were running for their life, from a monster they couldn't contend with.

"Fuxk! Why did you have to attack that thing?" The larger boy bellowed while his chest heaved from breathing too hard.

"I was tired of eating ugly monsters! You can't blame me! I saw you licking your lips when you saw it too, the way you used to when your mom roasted chicken!" The smaller boy roared back with gritted teeth.

Then both the boys fell silent, because neither could blame each other in this matter. And yet a moment later, they exclaimed in unison,
"It's all the damn monster's fault!"

"Who told it to look so much like a cooked chicken!? Fuxk, I've never seen a more edible monster!" The larger boy growled.

"Who told it to appear in front of us just when we were hungry!?" The smaller boy vigorously joined him in shouting.

"How dare it pretend to be dead to try to ambush us!? Motionless, just like a roasted chicken on a plate!"

The monster in question, who was behind them all this time, was quite intelligent. But at this moment, it wished it wasn't, because when it heard what these shameless humans were shouting, its indignation reached the heavens! What a pair of greedy liars! Scums! Scourge! Do the gods in heaven not have eyes?! How could they permit such degenerates to exist?! Obviously, you two were the ones who attacked me when i was sleeping after my dinner. If I hadn't woken up in time, my head would be in your clutches by now! Just because I can't speak, you think you can slander me! How despicable! Truly befitting the shamelessness of humans...

The larger boy suddenly seemed enlightened for a moment as if he was a scholar who has found the answer to a paradox. He pulled out a small package from inside of his leather armor and opened it with a solemn expression. The smell of cooked meat reached the nose of the other boy, who whipped his head toward the source.

"You still want to eat right now, Isa? No wait...you had that all along and still made me look for food!?"

But Isa completely ignored him and and unwrapped the...chicken. Then he turned his face around while maintaining his speed.
"Sir monster, we know that we have offended you. So please treat this as compensation. We shall give you our daughter, Roasted Chick's hands...no...legs in marriage! She is a very shy girl and will not scold you for your bad habits such as gambling, laziness and uselessness. In short, she is your dream wife. Please, be gentle with her."

At this moment, his stomach rumbled from hunger.
"See!? Even our "heart" mourns her leaving. She was such a sweet one! Oh my emergency ration, how it pains me to let you go..." Saying so, he threw the chicken toward the furious monster.

The monster was thrown off by this sudden turn of events. Why did these humans have one of its kinsmen in their grasp? And a female too? Looks like they aren't that bad after all..."
Being unfamiliar with humans, it couldn't figure out what exactly was going on and stopped to inspect its...future wife, ahem.

Huh? This one really looks quite similar to his kin, despite being smaller in size. So pretty! Hmmm...how fragrant! Wait, why doesn't she move? Well, they did say she was shy...no wait, did those heartless bastards kill her?

After a closer inspection, it realized that this was actually a dead creature similar to the fowls he ate a few days ago! Then why did those humans-...AAAAAGHHHH

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