35- 'Tis But a Game

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A/N- check whether you've read the previous chapter.

The method is extremely dangerous and may harm host's genetic build. It is basically forcing host's cells to mutate in accordance with certain ancient genes belonging to powerful prehistoric beasts who predeceased mankind. Due to host not being strong enough to break through,  the changes may burden host greatly, not to mention the awakened ability might be something undesirable and randomized. Does host still want to implement the changes? ]

"It's not like I have a choice. Let's start."

proceeding with scan of host's genes...]

[  alert. Discovered an anomaly in host's cells that may greatly affect the awakened ability. ]

"....What anomaly?"

It seems that when host went into torpor inside the cryopod, the changes that took place in host's body are still not completely gone. The metabolism rate of each cell is very low, there are irregularities in host's blood circulation and lymph glands. Perhaps when the collison took place, the automatic machines in charge of host's condition malfunctioned.  ]

"How will this affect my awakening of innate ability?"

Unknown. There is not enough data to run simulations.  ]

Rowan fell into deep thought as he considered the options at hand. He didn't have much time left. Turio and he had reached the agreement easily. The technique to awaken the weakened version of his innate ability was given to him in exchange for the rank one sword technique of the diary. Then the delighted figure of Turio vanished into the maze-like corridors. He had seemed very eager to comprehend the essence of the technique and awaken his own innate ability.

But when Rowan  tried to skim through the technique Turio had handed him, he was dumbfounded by the complexity of the method. The terms used in there were absolutely unknown to him. Once again, he regretted his lack of knowledge, whether it was scientific or magical. Turio had scammed him, again.

Thankfully, Chip's enormous database seemed to hold a mountain of scientific knowledge, especially in the field of biological research. After scanning and processing the method for a few minutes, chip answered that it wasn't too difficult a task for him to use the method, although rather risky. It was perhaps the best news he had heard all day. Even if Turio had tricked him out of his sword technique, only to hand him a method that no one could understand in a short time, Rowan had Chip to take care of the matter.

If he could get out of this disaster, he'd have to spend a lot of time studying higher level science from Chip, Rowan decided.

"Let's just get on with it. Even if it's risky, it might not be worse than what will happen to me if I get  caught."

Proceeding with the task...]

Rowan felt a strange hum coming from every cell in his body after a few minutes of silent observation. Closing his eyes, he could feel his ether reserve slowly being emptied, a crucial step in the overall process.
Breathing steadily, he started absorbing ether to fill in the empty part of reserve. This formed a cycle.
The ether was being used to change the structure of his "genes", something that was apparently the base of his characteristics according to chip.

Rowan could feel a strange discomfort inside him. His body was itching everywhere, not to mention the strange foreboding feeling seething in the back of his mind. It almost felt...sacrilegious, as if what he was doing went against natural order, a blasphemy, a disregard for the universal rules.

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