4- Discovery

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Rowan's frozen expression attracted the attention of the newcomers as they surveyed the cabin. A tall woman carrying a large package on her back frowned and walked up to Rowan.

"You shouldn't be getting off your bed so soon. How does your eye feel?"
"I'm good. There doesn't seem to be any problems. It's just a bit sore in there."
Rowan replied fast. He had a nasty suspicion that if he reported the existence of the 'voice' inside his head, he might not live to see tomorrow's sun.

"Well, that's good. But are you sure you don't want to undergo a surgery? You know, to check that red light inside your eye?"
The woman sounded strangely  enthusiastic as her eyes scrutinized him.

"Ahem, Hilda, I think you're scaring the child." A kind looking grandpa from the group spoke.

"But it's necessary! We...uhh...need to ensure his safety!"
"I think I'm just fine like this. The red light looks quite cool."
Rowan dished out that highly embarrassing line to protect himself.

"Ah, in that case, we'll tell the doctors to give you one last check-up before the release. We know that it's a bit risky to conduct the surgery with our mediocre technical support but that red light is still quite unsettling."
The old grandpa nodded and then asked Isa about his injuries. After that, the intimidating group of battle experts left together while discussing among themselves in a low voice. The scary woman gave him one last reluctant look, well, not him but his left eye and left with them.

[Host is currently at a safe distance.]

The sudden reminder of the voice startled him.
"Exactly how did you figure that I was in danger?" He whispered while glancing at Isa to make sure he wasn't discovered.

[ As I had mentioned before, host's physical characteristics, in other words, stats, are barely comparable to average humans of your age while that group of humans have multiple beings who are much stronger than that.]

"Wait, you can judge my physical characteristics?"
[Yes. Would host like to view them?]

"Uh, yeah, let me see!"

Retrieving data...
Strength-  0.7
Speed-  1.3
Physique- 0.9
Innate ability-  none awakened.
Mutation compatibility-  63.2%
Current constitution limit-
rank two (evolvable)   ]

"Whoa!" Rowan stared blankly at the glowing chart in front of him. He understood the first two stats but what about the rest? What did they signify?
As if reading his mind, the voice spoke up,
The first two stats, strength and speed are calculated by comparison with average humans, with 1 being a typical value. The stat 'physique' signifies the biological and chemical processes inside your body and their effectiveness. For instance, how fast do you heal or the density of your muscles and bones and blood pressure etc.  As for the innate ability, it indicates the abilities every creature awakens once they become a ranked creature. However, most humans are unable to achieve this feat. Mutation capability indicates the influence of radiation and environmental effects on host's body. The percentage refers to the level of their effects. When it reaches one hundred percent, host's body will be eligible undergo a qualitative change, which may or may not bring out your innate ability. Constitutional limit means host's current achievement limit. In layman's terms, you cannot exceed the strength of a rank two creature without evolving.  ]

Rowan listened with rapt attention. He had never thought a human body could be classified like this. But he still felt confused about some parts.
"What do you mean by rank two creatures? Is it a grading system based on strength?"

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