​Where is Kelley and what have you done to her? (Kelley O'Hara x Reader)

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REQUEST: Could you do one where the team is shocked to find out Kelley has a secret girlfriend and even more surprised when they see how soft and gentle she is with her compared to her usual loud goofy self?? Love your writing keep it up 💪❤️

(Alex's POV)

Kelley has been hiding something from us, I could feel it in my bones. She's been very suspicious lately and has just been sneaking around and stuff. I was rooming with her this camp and she doesn't think I notice her going out of the room in the middle of the night and coming back maybe an hour or 2 later and she is always on her phone, smiling and often giggling to herself.

Today, we have a friendly against Australia, we were on our way to the bus when I noticed that Kelley wasn't here with us yet. I looked around and saw her smiling on her phone, with her air pods in. I didn't hear what she was saying but she had a certain sparkle on her eyes making me wonder who she was talking to.

I then decided to then call her over since it was almost time to leave.


Her head snapped towards me and just held one finger up, talking to the person on her phone and putting her phone down before jogging towards me.

"Who was that?"

"Uh... Nothing, just fambam from Jersey wishing me luck before the game."

I gave her a suspicious look but she just turned her gaze away.

"Let's go? They must be waiting for us."

I watched her as she skipped towards the bus.

Hm... Interesting...

(Kelley's POV)

I looked around the stadium looking for my girlfriend while I did my warm-ups. People were still filling in and I remember her saying that she got the field view seats with her friends.

No one, aside from our families and 2 of her best friends, know that the two of us are dating since we both value our privacy so much. The only reason her friends found out was that they both happen to visit Y/n when I was chilling at her house during an off day and they saw me there. Y/n couldn't lie to anyone to save her life, so she ended up telling the truth and we asked both of them to keep it a secret.

Y/n and I met at Stanford. We would see each other during athletes' night and we had some mutual friends and one night, during a party, I saw her outside all by herself so I decided to man up and talk to her. So that's what we did the whole night. We got to know each other, found out that we were both from Georgia, exchanged numbers, and became very close friends. But after we graduated, we kind of went our separate ways and lost contact with each other.

Then a year ago I accidentally bumped into her at a coffee shop back home, grew the balls to finally ask her out on a date then the next is history.

I felt guilty keeping my love life from my teammates, that's why I asked her to come to fly here to watch our game so I could introduce them tomorrow since it's just recovery and we're not doing much. It was a good thing that one of her best friends live in this state, so they decided to fly here and watch the game then just drop my girlfriend off at the hotel and we would fly together back to Georgia in 3 days since that was the end of camp.

Once I made eye contact with a certain Y/h/c, I couldn't help but bite my lip to stop myself from smiling. She looks so beautiful reppin' that USA Jersey. I jogged my way to her and gave her a huge smile.

"Hi, baby."

We heard her friends, who were beside her, clear their throats making me blush and playfully glare at them. Y/n just gave me a huge smile and turned around, showing the jersey off to me with my last name on the back. I might just get used to her wearing my name.

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