Bad Reputation (Ashlyn Harris x Reader)

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I opened the door to my dorm room and I was met with a woman. She turned around and faced me and sent me a smile.

"Hey, I'm Maria."


I smiled at her and we shook hands.

"So I guess you're part of the soccer team?"

I nodded my head and dragged my suitcase to my side of the room.

"Yeah, I'm a forward."

"I'm in midfield."

"Well welcome to UNC, hope you enjoy your time here as a tar heel."


"Hello girls, welcome to a brand new season, let's welcome the freshmen into the team. We're gonna be having a team bonding later on today to better get acquainted with each other and tomorrow is that start of our practice."

I sat beside Maria and another sophomore named Katie. They immediately helped me get adjusted and introducing me to some of our teammates.

I looked across from me and I noticed a very attractive looking woman chatting up with some of our teammates.

"Who's that?"

They looked at who I was talking about and they immediately sighed.

"That's Ashlyn Harris, she's a senior but she's a redshirt junior, one of our goalkeepers."

"Stay away from her, she's bad news."

I looked at them questioningly, waiting for them to elaborate.

"She's known for getting comfy with the ladies. And rumor has it, she's slept with half of the girls in UNC."

"The whole campus?!"

They nodded their heads and one of the freshmen, her name is Rachel I believe, decided to join in on the conversation.

"I heard that she was a drug dealer."

I looked back at the woman in curiosity. I think she felt eyes on her cause we both made eye contact and I immediately turned to look away.


It was time for team bonding and I noticed that nobody was going near the goalkeeper. I looked around and noticed that the people she constantly talked with on the team were still wasn't here so I decided to go join her.

I felt a lot of eyes follow me, watching curiously to see what I was doing. I gave her a smile and sat beside her.

"Y/n Y/l/n, freshman and a forward. nice to meet you."

She looked at me curiously as she accepted my hand and shook it.

"Ashlyn Harris, goalkeeper. "

I nodded and relaxed on my seat.

"You have built quite the reputation for yourself Harris."

She scoffed and shook her head.

"Oh yeah? Do you believe them?"

I raised my eyebrow at her and smirked.

"I don't know, are they?"

She smirked back and we both paid attention to our coach as she told us what activity we were gonna do today.


It's been 5 months and I have been enjoying my time here at UNC. I got closer to Ash and even got close to her friends here, Allie, Meghan, and Tobin. All 5 of us do everything together.

Ashlyn is a very closed off person, but she is a very genuine and caring person and that is something I admire about her. She was able to open up to me about her past and I did the same to her. We eventually opened up to each other about our feelings towards each other and so far we have been on 2 dates and going on those dates just made us closer.

We talked about our relationship and we both decided to take it slow and just go with the flow of our relationship. We weren't officially girlfriends but we were both exclusively dating. She wanted to do the right thing and ask me on the third date, which we still haven't planned on yet, heck she hasn't even made the move to kiss me yet cause she was afraid it would be too soon.

Word spread around the team and school fast and they found out that Ash and I have a thing going on. I received looks of pity and some jealousy, some of our teammates even warned me that Ash would break my heart and that she was a player but I knew Ash. They didn't know her the way I did, so I just didn't mind them.

Today is our game against UCLA and I watched as Ashlyn fidgeted with her glove. I placed a hand on hers and she looked up at me.

"Hey, you okay?"

She nodded her head, stopped to think, then immediately shook it, making me giggle.

"Mind telling me what's bothering you? You are never normally this fidgety."

She sighed and gave me a concerned look.

"You see that number 19? the defender of UCLA?"

I looked at where she was pointing and it was a tall brunette girl.

"Yeah, what about her?"

"She's the girl my ex-girlfriend hooked up with."

"The rumor spreader?"

I watched as the goalkeeper sighed and nodded. I faced Ash's face towards me and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Relax okay? Everything will be fine."

I gave her a smile in which she returned as we continued warming up. I was starting today and I'm so pumped.


We ended up winning 7-3 with me scoring my first hat trick. I felt people pat my back as I started gathering my things from the bench. I was making my way towards Ash and Tobs when a hand was placed on my shoulder, making me stop. I turned around and it was number 19 Ash was talking about.

"Hey, you played great out there."

I gave her a tight-lipped smile and nodded.


I was about to turn back around but she stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to ask you if you wanted to go grab some lunch sometime?"


I looked towards my right and saw Ash jogging towards me. I saw number 19 look at Ash then back at me before she smirked.

"I could do so much better than Harris, she'll just break your heart."

I knew Ash heard her cause she stopped in her tracks and just watched us, seeing what I will do.

I just gave her a smirk before grabbing my wrist away from her. I started making my way towards Ashlyn, grabbing a fist full of her shirt and pulling her towards me, connecting our lips into a kiss. We heard the wolf whistle of our friends making us laugh. We pulled away when the air became an issue and she placed her hands on my waist pulling me closer, as she looked at me with a smirk.

"Whoa there. Feisty, I like it."

I laughed and pulled her in for another kiss. 

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