Firefly (Sam Mewis x Reader)

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(Sam's POV)


I smiled as I watched my tiny girlfriend run ahead of me.

We are attending an Ed Sheeran concert for our date today, since she had always wanted to go to one and I'm too whipped for her.

"Hey guys, how's everybody doing this evening."

Loud cheers erupted around the arena but I kept my eyes on the adorable girl beside me.

The concert dragged on and we were having the time of our lives.

It was then the familiar sound of the guitar made me stop and stare at my girlfriend.

This song reminds me so much of her, every time I look at her, this is the song that plays in my head.

I fell in love next to you
Burning fires in this room
It just fits, light and smooth
Like my feet in my shoes

I watched as the girl started swaying with the music making me grin wider and watch her every move. She was mouthing all the lyrics towards me making me chuckle.

I'm pretty sure my eyes turned into hearts just looking at her.

Little one, lie with me
Sew you heart to my sleeve
We'll stay quiet underneath
Shooting stars if it helps you sleep

My eyes gazed around the arena making it look like stars. I brought my phone out and started swaying it along with the crowd.

And hold me tight, don't let me breathe
Feeling like you won't believe

I glanced down at our hands that are connected to each other.

Every time we hold hands, it's like a finally finding the missing puzzle piece.

There's a firefly loose tonight
Better catch it before it burns this place down
And I lie if I don't feel so right
But the world looks better through your eyes

My eyes then drifted to her eyes. I don't know if it's because of the lights from other people phones but they were shining.

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead.

Her eyes shone brighter, I never thought it would be possible, but it was.

She somehow finds a way to prove me wrong every time. Like how I thought that I could never love her even more, but at this very moment, I am falling for her... Faster.

There's a firefly loose tonight
Better catch it before it burns this place down
And I lie if I don't feel so right
But the world looks better through your eyes

"The phones look like fireflies."

I chuckled as she looked around in amazement, the whole arena lit up with lights.

Teach my skin those new tricks
Warm me up with your lips
Heart to heart, melt me down
It's too cold in this town

My mind drifted off to all the random parts in our relationship. All the small subtle touches we would have, that always makes the hair on my arm rise up, so the girls won't notice and start teasing us, all of our 1 am conversations about our future, all the kisses that we shared that somehow always makes me feel like it did the first time and all the time she kept me warm just by being near me.

Close your eyes, lean on me
Face to mouth, lips to cheek
Feeling numb in my feet
You're the one
To help me get to sleep

"You've been doing a lot.of staring tonight Mewis."

I chuckled and pulled her in front of me. I wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder as we swayed to the music.

"This song just reminds me so much of you and our relationship."

She looked at me over her shoulder and sent me a teasing smirk while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh really?"

And hold me tight, don't let me breathe
Feeling like you won't believe

I held onto her tighter and nodded.

"Yes really."

There's a firefly loose tonight
Better catch it before it burns this place down
And I lie if I don't feel so right
But the world looks better through your eyes

"Since when have you been sappy Sam? I don't remember you being like this."

I chuckled and shrugged my shoulder.

"You let me do very unexpected things."

It's only been one night of love
And maybe that is not enough
Hold me tight, don't let me breathe
Feeling like you won't believe

We held eye contact as we both had flashbacks towards our relationship.

She changed my perspective on the world.

I mean, my view on the world was not really negative as you could call it, but she just somehow made my life brighter.

Her happy go lucky personality and her hyperness, her sense of humour and sarcasm.

Her ability to see good in literally everybody.

Her ability to light up every room she enters and to make everybody feel welcomed.

She wants to make everybody happy and I admire her for that.

There's a firefly loose tonight
Better catch it before it burns this place down
And I lie if I don't feel so right
But the world looks better through your eyes

"Y/n Y/l/n, you're my firefly."

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