Black Lives Matter (Julie Ertz x Reader)

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REQUEST: Hey I have a question, may I make a BLM request with Julie & a black reader? Because the video of her helping her teammate was great. And it meant a lot especially because I am black.

I hope you guys like this. 

Today was our first game in the NWSL Challenge Cup and we were playing against Chicago Red Stars. 

It's been a while since I have seen JJ since I had to go back to my club team for training and we haven't seen them since arriving at the hotel since we were on a tight schedule and we arrived at 2 completely different times so I didn't want to bother her and I think she taught of the same thing.

Julie is like an older sister to me. I usually stay with her during off season and I happen to be visiting her and Zach when the quarantine happened. They didn't allow me to travel back home so I stayed with them for like 3 months before I had to fly back for training. My parents trust her so they let me stay with them because they know I am safe with the couple.

We were in the changing room when I got a call. I looked down and saw that it was Julie, so I went to the corner and answered the call.

"Hey, bud."

"Hey JJ, you ready to get your ass beat?"

"Ha. In your dreams babe. Anyway, I just wanted to wish you luck. With everything going on, you must be emotionally and mentally drained and I wanted to check up on you."

"Thank you JJ, I appreciate everything that you are doing and have been doing or me since day 1 and I also want to wish you luck too."

"I have to go bud, I love you."

"I love you too."

I ended the call and took a deep breath as I sat beside Rose. I leaned my head on her shoulder as I watched her tie her cleat. I looked around as everyone was wearing their black lives matter shirts and I felt myself get emotional.

"You okay there y/n?"

I looked up at Rose and that's when I felt my tears start to fall so she immediately pulled me into a hug and I guess the rest of our teammates saw us, because the next thing I know, I felt more arms wrap around me.

After composing myself, we all pulled away and we did our thing. We did our warmups, we got ready in the tunnel and we walked into the field. I made eye contact with Julie and the rest of my teammates in the national team and we gave each other comforting smiles before we stood there waiting for the announcer.

"Please rise for the national anthem."

I watched a majority of the people on the field kneeled down with me making me super emotional. I felt my teammates on either side of me grab my hand and give it a squeeze as tears started falling down my cheeks.

After the national anthem finished, I took a deep breath and stood up as I tried to regain my composure. I was about to go to the benches when I felt someone pulled me into a tight hug when I saw blonde hair and a blue headband, I knew it was JJ, so I quickly hugged back tighter as I sobbed into her shirt.

"I love you and you matter to me and to a lot of people. I am with you in this fight, we all are okay? I love you so much Y/n."

I nodded my head as I felt her kiss my forehead before pulling away and putting both of her hands on my cheeks as she wiped my tears away.

"Things will get better, things WILL get better, I promise."

She gave me a smile and put her arm around me as we walked to the sideline. I looked at the other side and saw Casey, who still had tears running down her face, so I quickly walked to her and pulled her into a hug. I felt her hug me back as we comforted each other.

"We can do this. We WILL do this."

I nodded my head and quickly went back to my teammates, where I was once again pulled into a group hug and they were asking me if I was okay, in which I just gave them a huge smile and a nod.

"Yes, now let's go do our best out there."

They cheered as the starting 11 took their positions on the field and we took a kneel in silence for a good minute or 2 before standing up and the games began.


It was in the 78th minute that I sunk the ball into the net, making us up by 2 points and I saw JJ give me a proud smile making my smile wider as I pointed at her. The game resumed and nothing much happened so when the whistle blew, indicating the end of the match, I was immediately pulled into a hug by my teammates and I was called in for an interview.

I jogged towards there but stopped when I heard someone call out my name. I stopped and turned around only to be met with someone jumping on me making me chuckle, knowing that it was Julie.

"I'm proud of you bud."

"Thank you, JJ."

Once she got off of me, I was pulled into a tight hug by none other than my giant teddy bear herself.

"Proud of you buddy."

"Thank you, Lyss."

My name was called once again and I saw coach standing there with the camera crew and some interviewers so I bid my national team teammates goodbye before jogging towards there. They handed me a mic and I made sure I looked presentable and I smiled at the camera.

"The point you gave Julie Ertz when you scored the goal, what was that about?"

I chuckled and nodded.

"JJ is like an older sister to me and we have been very supportive of each other even if we weren't on the same team, as could be seen a while ago with after the anthem and when she gave me her signature smile when I sunk that ball into the net."

I felt someone put their arm around me.

"Talking about me now are you?"

I chuckled and pushed her away.

"Social distancing JJ, go away."

I chuckled and watched as she stuck her tongue out at me making me do the same to her. I looked back at the camera and smiled.

"Yeah, as I was saying, she means a lot to me and we're basically family."

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