Baby Pugh (USWNT x Reader)

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Can you do a team x reader where the reader is Mal’s little sister and she joins the team and is all nervous but then bonds with the team and she gets her first cap? Sorry if that doesn’t make sense it’s a weird plot🤷‍♀

We have a new puppy and I named her snixx. She's gonna be one sassy dog.

Waking up at 5 am with the sound of my phone blaring doesn't leave a good taste in my mouth. You bet my cranky, sleep-deprived ass will either be ignoring you (if you're lucky enough) or screaming at you (mostly the latter)

But waking up at 5 am with the sound of my phone blaring and Vlatko was calling to invite me to attend national team camp on the other hand, is a whole different story.
I had to revision my paper for Ethics last night and I went to sleep at exactly 3:49 in the morning and speaking to me with little to no sleep at all would be a huge disaster  but that phonecall kept me awake. That was more effective than a shot of caffine.

And ever since that phonecall, I have been bouncing around my dorm, trying to keep quiet since everyone is still sleeping.

Once the news had not entirely sinked in but it sinked it enough that I could actually breath at a normal pace, I grabbed my phone before texting my older sister.

Baby Bee: Hey, you up? Can I facetime you? I have some news.

Not even a minute later I get a response back.

Bee: Good or bad? I have to prepare myself.

Baby Bee: Good for me, probably bad for you.

My phone quickly rang, it was a facetime request from my older sister. I quickly accepted it and I was met by her creased up forehead.

"Whachu mean bad for me?"

"Good morning Mal's forhead."

She quickly fixed the angle as to where I could see her face properly.

"Answer my question. Bad for me how."

"Bad for you because you're gonna be babysitting me."

I watched her face grow more confused making me chuckle.

"Why would I be babysitting you? You're at college and you're 18 turning 19 years old, you don't need babysitting. If you look at it in another persepective I am the one who needs babysitting."

"I mean, truth."

It was silent for a minute or two before she broke it.

"NOW TELL ME THE NEWS! NOW! You're making me anxious."

I paused and thought about how to phrase it.

"Well... Vlatko called me this morning..."

"Why would Vlatko call you? How did he get your number? You guys are textmates now?"

I gave her a knowing look and waited for her to get what i was trying to say without actually saying it. Not gonna lie it took her a while, but the look of surprise, disbelief and excitement was priceless that i had to take a screenshot of it.

"No way."

I nodded my head and excitedly started bouncing on my bed.



"I KNOW!!"


"Now stop right there Mal Pal, you're just pushing it."


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