🎄 The Perfect Christmas Gift (Tobin Heath x Reader)

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Prompt: A person is on a difficult quest to find or make a particular gift for someone else.

In honour of the picture Christen posted on her instagram, here is a Tobin imagine. You're welcome 😉

What the fuck do I get her?

Kelley and I have been going around the mall for at least 3 hours now just looking for a gift that I would give to Tobin. I wanted to give her something that when she uses she thinks of me. I mean I already have one waiting for her at home (something I know both of us have been wanting for a long time now) but I want to give her another thing.

"What if you give her like... a beanie or something?"

"Kelley she has like a thousand of those, have you seen her side of the closet?"

"Wait she has a closet?"

I looked at her in disbelief.

"Where do you think she puts her clothes?"

"I don't know, she usually has them in a trashbag, how was I suppose to know she finally could afford a closet."

We walked around in silence for a while before she broke it.

"She be rollin in that re inc money."

(Tobin's POV)

I looked around the mall with Christen, looking around the mall for a gift for Y/n. We both decided to give one gift each and live it to the both of us to do last minute shopping.

"What are you getting your wife for Christmas? Do you have anything in mind?"

I groaned and shook my head.

"I don’t know. It’s kind of hard buying something for your wife for Christmas when she already got everything she could’ve ever wanted when she married you. So I’m not sure yet."

Christen scoffed and kept her eyes forward, continuing to look around the different stores that we passed.

"I'm getting Y/n a divorce lawyer."

(Y/n's POV)

We were passing build-a-bear when we saw 2 familiar people. It was Tobin and Christen. I quickly pulled Kelley away and crouched down in front of the pretzel stall, the girl selling looking at us weirdly but we just brushed her off.

"Wha-what? What happened?"

"Shhhhh idiot. Tobin and Christen are there."

I pointed the pair who was looking at children build their own bears, Tobin looking quiet amused while Christen stood there with a bored expression and her arms crossed.

Well now we know who's idea it was to stop.

"We have to go to the other side quietly."

"Quietly. Got it."

Kelley stood up and started tiptoe-ing away but then she accidentally tumbled over a garbage can, basically hugging that damn thing, knocking both of them on the floor and causing more of a ruckuss. I face palmed and quickly grabbed her, dragging her away from the scene.

If they didn't see us the first time, they surely saw us now.

Once we were a few meter away, I started slowing down my pace before hitting her on the back of her neck.

"You're an idiot you know that."

"The trashcan looked lonely, I wanted to give him a hug."

"Why do i bring you to these?"

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