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"Come on, Beshte! We don't have much time!" Fuli pressed as they ran, careful not to go too fast and allow Kion to fall off Beshte's back.

"I'm trying Fuli! Kion's a lot heavier than he looks!" Beshte defended, huffing and puffing, finding it hard to keep up with the cheetah. The again, not even Anga could match her speed whilst flying; how could Beshte possibly keep up?

"Ugh." Fuli grunted in annoyance. This was no time to be making those comments.

The cheetah glanced over at the honey-badger.

"Bunga? You okay?" She asked as they ran.

Bunga looked up. "Oh, uh, yeah yeah. Just... tired."

"You sure?"


"Okay, then." Fuli muttered. She knew though, Bunga was worried. The honey-badger may be oblivious but he isn't entirely stupid; there was definitely something very wrong with Kion.


"Rafiki!" Fuli yelled as they reached Pride Rock, already heading into the lair.

Rushed footsteps were heard and the old mandrill entered, Makini at his heels.

"Come on guys, give him some room." Makini commanded, ushering them towards the entrance. They reluctantly left, remaining just outside the entrance.

Fuli paced back and forth, consumed within her mind.

What is going on in there?
Why are they taking so long?
What does Rafiki think it is?
Can it be cured?
Will Kion still be able to lead the guard?
Will he even survive to get the chance?


The cheetah looked up at her name to see several curious faces looking in her direction. She blinked and realised that she had tears running down her face. She quickly turned away and wiped them off her face with her paw.

"You okay?" She heard Ono ask.

Fuli sniffed and nodded, still looking away. She felt feathery arms wrap around her leg and looked down at Ono, giving him a small smile. Then the smell of the honey-badger joined them, wrapping his arms around Fuli's other leg. Finally Anga and Beshte joined them too.

Simba smiled curiously as he watched the group. The king made his descent from Pride Rock, his queen and their princess flanking him.

"Lion Guard." He called and they all broke apart quickly, standing up to greet the king. He smiled and shook his head, "No need for formalities, you just won a war!... What's going on? Where's Kion?" He asked, noticing his son's absence.

Fuli gulped and stepped forward. "Your majesties... something happened."

"What happened, Fuli? Where is Kion?" Nala demanded fearfully.

"He's in here." Rafiki said, coming out of the cavern. Fuli sighed with relief; she wouldn't have to explain what happened now that Kion was awake. "But I'm afraid there is nothing I can do for him."

"What?" Fuli asked in disbelief. "But he's going to be okay, right? Right?"

Rafiki looked down. "I don't think he will make the night. I'm sorry."

"No..." Fuli whispered under her breath, her entire body shaking.

"Kion is awake now. You should all go and spend some time with him."

Everyone nodded.

While the royal family was inside, Fuli continued to pace through the grass. No one stopped her. No one cared to stop her. What good would it do?

After what felt like hours, Simba, Nala and Kiara finally left the den. The king had misty, teary eyes while Nala and Kiara had tears streaming down their faces, still sobbing as they sat down on the grass.

"Come on, Fuli. Let's go." Bunga said softly, gently pulling her with him into the cave.

As they entered, Fuli heard coughing and picked up speed, running ahead of the group.

"Kion!" She smiled slightly, coming to a stop by his side.

He smiled weakly, his head resting on his paws. "Hey guys. Hey Fuli."

"Oh, Kion." She cried, sitting beside him, sobbing. "I-I don't want you to go!"

He coughed again before placing his head on hers beside him and letting out a soft purr. "I don't want to go either, but it's the circle of life, Fuli. The circle of life. I love all of you guys, you're all my best friends and if," He coughed again. "If I could turn time back, I'd never change a thing."

"We love you." Bunga told him, now also crying. He came to Kion's other side and hugged him tightly, careful not to touch the scar that was engrained into his features. The others joined and once again, it was one big hug.

Kion smiled softly, trying not to make any pain-filled noises. He knew they'd all move if he did, and he just wanted to stay like that forever. He'd never been afraid of dying... at least up until that moment.

"Guys, I'm-I'm scared." He whimpered softly.

"The great kings will guide you." Beshte said just as softly. "There isn't anything to be afraid of."

"Hey, Kion?" Bunga called.


"Coin a baobab ball for us, will ya?"

Kion chuckled and nodded. "Of course I will."

"Kion... there's something I need to tell you." Fuli said softly.

Kion looked in her direction, smiling as he looked into her sparkling eyes. "What is it, Fuli?" He asked with a small smile.

"I-I love you."

His heart fluttered, but then regret filled him. Tears slowly filled his eyes.

"I love you too. So much."

"You do?"

"I do." He leaned forward and touched his nose with hers. "I'm so sorry."

It took Fuli a moment to realise what was happening: she was finally admitting her feelings and he felt the same... but he was dying. He'd be gone by the morning.

"There's nothing to be sorry for." She said, smiling at him. "You saved us all."

"And now it's your turn." Kion said. "Once I'm gone, you will be the leader of the guard. Will you-" He coughed several time and everyone broke away to give him air. He shivered and continued coughing until he rested his head back upon his paws. "Will you accept?"

Tears ran down Fuli's face as she nodded, "I will. I accept."

"Good." He smiled. And his eyes closed.

The Lion Guard: Without Him ✔️Where stories live. Discover now