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Hello Readers!
Here is the next chapter, I am so sorry it took so long! However, I did not write a single word in this entire chapter! All credits go to CheetahpawTheFastest who took time out of their own day to write this chapter for me and all of you. Please enjoy, I know I did!

Fuli stared at the cheetah, amazed and grateful. Kiara looked up at him, breathing a sigh of relief. "You saved me," she breathed. "Thank you."

"No problem" The cheetah smirked. His ears then folded down. "It was Azaad's pleasure. Now Azaad must get going..."

Kiara seemed to notice he was sad, because she asked; "What's wrong?"

"Nothing... It's just that no one comes around often. Azaad is usually alone all the time. Whilst cheetahs do prefer their alone time, Azaad just wishes that he could have some company every now and then."

Kiara's ears folded down in dismay. She then perked up. "Oh, I know! You can travel with us! Think of it as a repayment for saving my life."

Fuli opened her mouth to protest, but she couldn't find words. This stranger doesn't need to come with us! I mean sure, he saved Kiara, but-

Her thoughts were interrupted when Azaad replied excitedly. "Ooh yes! Azaad would love that!"

Fuli finally found words to protest. "What?! No! But-!?"

Kiara looked at Fuli. She motioned for her to come a little bit away from Azaad. Kiara spoke. "He saved my life. We should let him come with us. He feels so lonely all by himself with no friends."

Fuli's ears flattened as she gazed in Azaad's direction. Pity swept over her, but not strong enough to make her want Azaad to travel with them. "I know he's lonely," Fuli began, trying not to directly provoke Kiara. "But he might be a distraction. We're trying to find Kion and get home as soon as we can before Uchafu attacks."

Kiara sighed. "But shouldn't we give him a chance...?"

Fuli looked at Kiara. "But we don't even know him."

Kiara held Fuli's gaze. "Let's just give him a chance." She dropped her gaze to her paws and shakily added; "It's what Kion would have done."

Fuli winced at the memory of her lost friend. Memories rushed through her mind, some fun, some painful. She knew that Kiara did make a good point. She remembered when Kion gave Janja and the hyenas a second chance. He was so wise... More memories rushed through her. She blinked, trying to prevent any tears from threatening to fall.

Kiara must have realized her mistake, because her ears folded back and she shuffled her paws. "I-I'm sorry Fuli. I didn't mean to guilt trip you or-"

"N-no, you're right," Fuli admitted, "Azaad can come with us."

Kiara's lips spread into a smile. "Thank you Fuli."

Fuli forced a smile. "Yeah.."

Kiara trotted back to Azaad, a spring in her step. Oh, how Kiara loves to make new friends... Fuli thought slightly in amusement.

"Okay, Azaad. You're coming with us," Kiara told him excitedly. "Let's go!"


Little did they know, they were being watched...

Uchafu slinked in the shadows, undetected. His lips twisted into a crooked smile as he watched the felines. Hatari sat next to him, eyes glowing with anticipation.

"So, what do we do next, Master?" Uchafu asked Hatari, rolling his eyes.

"We-" Uchafu quickly cut off Hatari's reply. "I wasn't talking to you, fool! Do you really think that I would seek advice from YOU?!"

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