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Fuli awoke the next morning in the Lion Guard lair, lying in Kion's usual spot off to the side of the cavern. She glanced around the dimly lit cavern and sighed. She could still smell Kion's scent in the lair, and supposed she would for months to come.

The cheetah stood up and quietly walked towards the entrance of the cave, careful not to disturb the others who were all still asleep and then headed in no particular direction.

She found herself at the border between the Outlands and the Pride Lands. She smiled softly, remembering one of their first adventures together when Kion ended up in the Outlands and they all had to make the journey to flat-ridge rock to find him again. They had crossed this border many times together, going back and forth between the volcano and home, or visiting Jasiri and her pack.


"Oh no," Fuli muttered quietly. "We forgot to tell them about Kion..."

Fuli decided that they deserved to know. Jasiri had been one of Kion's best friends too, she deserved to know what happened after they left the Outlands.

She walked through the winding paths to the familiar caves. It was quiet, seemed like no one was home.

"Hello?" Fuli called out. "Huh, nobody's home then." She hummed, turning away to leave.

"Fuli? Is that you?" Fuli turned again to face the young hyena who was exiting a hidden den, still looking sleepy. "What are you doing here? Is everything alright?" Jasiri asked with concern.

Fuli's ears folded back and she looked away for a moment. "Jasiri... it's about Kion..."

"What about Kion? How is he?"

"Jasiri... Kion's gone."

"Gone?" She asked, although deep down she knew the answer.

"He's dead."

"...What?" The hyena's eyes welled up with tears.

"I'm sorry, Jasiri... we tried everything... but, he couldn't take it... the poison reached his heart too quickly." Fuli said, fresh tears rolling down her face.

Jasiri's body quivered as she turned away.


"I think it's best you leave, Fuli. But thank you, for telling me." She said, glancing back for a moment before walking away, leaving Fuli in the shadows.

Fuli sighed and turned away as well, heading back to the Pride Lands.


"Hey, Fuli." Beshte called as Fuli re-entered the guard's lair.

"Hey, guys."

"Where were you?" Ono asked, flying down from his nest.

"I-I went to the Outlands. I had to tell Jasiri about Kion."

"Oh..." Ono trailed awkwardly. "Well, we should get started on patrol, shouldn't we?"

"Yeah, probably." Anga agreed.


The patrol was quiet and awkward. The animals they passed cast skeptical glances towards Fuli and the rest of them.

"Panic and run! Panic and run!" Thurston, the zebra leader, was heard shouting.

"Let's go guys!" Fuli commanded, speeding off in the zebra's direction. As they reached a clearing, they spotted the zebra standing calmly in the center of it.

"Thurston?" Fuli questioned. "What's going on?"

"Oh, yay, you're all here!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"What. Is. Going. On." Fuli demanded, now very annoyed.

Thurston just smiled. "Some of us animals just wanted to say something to you."

The guards' brows crinkled in confusion as they exchanged confused looks.

"What animals? Its only us." Bunga stated the obvious.

The zebra shrugged and rustling could be heard. The lion guard looked around as various animals appeared, from some more zebras to the baboons, even the chameleon, Kinyonga, appeared at Fuli's paws. Even the elephants and some of the hippos left the cover of the trees.

"What... what are you all doing here?"

Ma Tembo, the elephant, stepped forward to Thurston's side.

"We recall what happened during Kion's ceremony yesterday, and we all thought you -all of you- should know that we respect and support each and every one of you. We know that Fuli will be a great leader and that you will all continue to strive to protect us, even without Kion, or any lion for that matter, within this guard. That's what makes your guard so special: you're all unique and have different opinions, and so as long as you all stay together as one, we will all be safe under your care."

Fuli sniffed and smiled her first genuine smile all week. "Thank you."


As the lion guard sat down beside one another at the watering hole, staring up at the stars, Fuli couldn't help but think of the story Kion had once told her about the great kings and queens of the past.

"Guys, do you think Kion's up there?" She asked softly, staring at one star in particular, the brightest one in the sky.

"He is. He has to be." Beshte said.

"Big B's right. There's no way Kion isn't up there!" Bunga agreed with a soft smile, but there was clearly pain written beneath it all.

Fuli smiled. "Yeah. Guys, I was thinking... since Kion made me the leader, that means I've become the fiercest. But now we don't have a fast member."

"True." Ono said. "What should we do?"

"Maybe we should find another member. I guess we have to." Fuli suggested, her words were met with silence. Ono, Anga and Beshte looked surprised, yet welcoming to the idea. Bunga, however, looked hurt.

"It's only been a day..." Bunga mumbled. "We can't just replace him."

Fuli sighed. "We're not Bunga, trust me, but we need a new member to become whole. To protect the Pride Lands."

"Fine, but I won't like it."

Everyone nodded in understanding. Kion had been Bunga's best friend, of course it'd be harder for him to accept than it was for the others, even more than Fuli.

"Maybe one day, Bunga. Maybe one day." Fuli half-smiled. "And you know, now that we're a guard with no lions... it doesn't really seem fitting to be called the Lion Guard anymore."

Beshte laughed. "Right."

"What do you think then?" Ono asked.

"What about... Pride Guard."

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