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"Kion!" Fuli cried as he closed his eyes. "Kion!"

"Fuli, he's gone." Beshte's gentle voice rang in the background.

"No... he can't be gone. He isn't!"

"Fuli, let's go."



"Hey, Fuli." A voice said, drawing the young cheetah out of her memories. She glanced up from the glistening water.

"Oh, hey, Kiara." She sighed, looking back down at her reflection. It may have only been a trick of the light, but Fuli could swear there was only half of her body painted on the water's surface.

"You okay?" The princess asked, sitting down beside her.

"What do you think." Fuli snapped before her features softened. "I'm sorry, Kiara, I just have to remember I'm not the only one who experienced loss today."

"True," Kiara began. "But we all had our own connection with him. Our own special way of loving him. We all lost someone different, even if it was just him."

Fuli nodded in understanding.

"He really loved you, you know." The cheetah looked up at her with glossy eyes. "You'd never believe the number of times he'd just talk about you endlessly. Kinda got annoying sometimes."

"Hey!" Fuli groaned and Kiara smiled.

"He'd talk about your skills, how you're such a great leader, your eyes, your smile, what you guys did that day, the times he wanted to tell you how he felt but chickened out before he could... he imagined a future with you, Fuli."

"He did?"

"He did." Kiara told her, giving her a soft smile. "I just thought you should know. The others told me what you guys said."

Fuli merely nodded, staring down into half of her reflection.

"We should go, the ceremony is about to begin." Kiara said, beginning to walk back to Pride Rock. The cheetah followed slowly, her head hanging low to the ground.

As they approached, the crowd that had formed around Pride Rock moved to give the two felines a pathway to the top. Kiara, now an only cub, sat beside her mother and father while Fuli sat beside Bunga and the guard, the setting sun shining brightly into their eyes.

The king stepped forward. "By now, all of you will know that my son, Kion, has completed his journey in the circle of life." He announced, his voice shaking. "He gave his life to protect us all from Scar, who thanks to Kion and the Lion Guard's efforts has been defeated. Kion was a noble leader and someone who would, without fail, help every animal he could with great or small tasks. Not only was he a loyal and just warrior, he was our energetic and lovable son. I am and always will be very proud to have raised such a lion."

Fuli shuddered as Zazu stepped forward to speak on behalf of the rest of the pride and the guard. It felt as though the ceremony was going on forever, a never ending goodbye. Fuli wanted this to be over so that she could go and be alone, but that would mean that Kion was gone for good. As long as this ceremony remained unfinished, Kion would still be here.

"Fuli will be taking over Kion's duties as leader of the Lion Guard." She heard Simba say. Fuli looked up to see many of the animals watching her skeptically.

"But she's a girl!"

"She isn't even a lion!"

"She doesn't have the roar!"

"What experience does she have?!"

Fuli shrunk back as the comments rolled out from the animals' mouths, her ears folding back.

"How do we know she will respect us?!"

"What's a lion guard without at least one lion?"

"She'll never be a good leader!"

"She's just a cub!"

"Why her?!"

"She's a cheetah!"

"Quiet!!" Kiara's soft voice roared. When the crowds continued to mock and criticize, the king let out a thundering roar, instantly silencing the animals.

Kiara nodded her head to him in thanks before stepping forward. "My brother trusted Fuli with the responsibility of being the next lion guard leader." Kiara said. "He trusted her to respect and protect you, which she has always done, and I feel that you should do the same for her. Kion had placed Fuli second in command some time ago, making her the perfect fit for this position. In his final moments, he asked her specifically to become the leader in his absence and she accepted in order to honor his wishes. We expect you all to do the same. With respect. Fuli is my friend and if I hear one more negative comment, well, let's just say your future queen won't be happy. This is not a time for complaints, this is the funeral of a great lion. Show some respect!"

The crowds made a murmuring sound but soon quieted down and bowed their heads.

"Thank you." Kiara said sarcastically, stepping back to her place. The princess sent a small smile in Fuli's direction who mouthed a quiet 'thank you,' in return.

"Now," Simba continued. "As I was saying, Fuli will be the new leader and will have the same rights and Kion had as leader and prince. She should be respected just as Kion was. She is apart of our pride now, apart of our family." The pride nodded in agreement and Fuli smiled shyly.

Simba and Nala led the crowd through the Pride Lands to a secluded, shady area. In the centre of the clearing was Kion, his body covered with different colored flowers and leaves. Everyone circled around him and bowed their heads in silence for the fallen prince.

As night fell and everyone left to go back to their homes, Fuli remained seated before the pile of flowers, her head lowered to the ground, just thinking.

"Fuli?" The cheetah looked up.

"Hey Bunga. What are you doing here?" She asked, looking back at Kion.

"I could ask you the same question." He stated, sitting down beside her.

She sighed. "Just thinking... Bunga, I miss him."

"So do I." Bunga agreed sadly. "I-I can't believe he's gone."

"I know. It's... It feels like a bad dream."

"You can say that again."

"Bunga... how am I supposed to lead? How could I possibly earn the respect Kion had and be as greater leader as he was?" She asked shakily.

"There's no way you could live up to what Kion did." He stated sharply. Fuli glanced at him, hurt. "No one could. But you can create your own leadership style, be your own leader. That will get you love and respect. And even if no one in this kingdom loves and respects you, I will still support you. We all will." He smiled.

A tear ran down Fuli's cheek as she nodded. "Thanks, Bunga."

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