Chapter 1

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It was over two weeks ago when I became aware that I was always dizzy, easily gets breathless and feeling more tired than usual. My co-workers, especially my secretary notices that I became paler day by day and so today, I'm at our family doctor's practice for a check-up.

"So, walk me through what happened." Dr. Gallows said. I look up at him and raise my eyebrow, making him laugh. "That's what you always ask your clients right?" He ask. I chuckle and nodded. Dr. Gallows has been our family doctor for twenty five years and I treat him as family since I basically grew up with him being my doctor. 

"Well, I always feel dizzy and I feel tired. Not the "I work too hard that's why I'm tired" tired. This one is different, fifteen minutes of my daily exercise I'm already breathless and my chest hurts." I explain. He nodded and put on his stethoscope and listen to my heartbeat. 

"Take a very deep breath for me please." I did as told and took a deep breath. "Hmm. Your heartbeat is weak. We need to take your blood tested to check if  there's anything that might cause this, okay?" He said and called in his nurse to take a blood sample from me. "For now, I suggest you take it easy for awhile until the results come out."

"How long does it take?" I ask.

"One week at most. I'll call you then, okay?"

"Okay, thanks Gallows." I said and stand up.

"Dr. Gallows." He corrected but I just gave him my sweetest smile before leaving. When I'm finally in my car, I sigh. I hope it isn't that serious, maybe it's just me, overworking again and nothing more. I settled with that and went home to the condo I shared with my sister.

When I arrive, I can hear two people laughing in the living room and my day is ruined even more. My sister's boyfriend, Jared is here and I hate it when he's around and you'll know why. I plan on going inside my room quietly, hoping they wouldn't notice, but of course that's inevitable. The creep saw me.

"Hello Bella." He greeted and I have no choice, but to smile at him and wave.

"You're early today Bell, something happened?" Dianna, my sister, ask.

"No, nothing. Just that, these fast few days I've been coming home late you know, so I thought I'll leave work early today." I lied.

"Good for you. I already ordered take away, so you don't need to cook dinner." She said and wink at me.

"Okay, thanks. I'll be in my room." I said and hurriedly went in, before she could reply. I dropped my things on the table and decided to take a shower immediately. Fifteen minutes later, I heard my sister knock. I get out of the shower and open the door to my room. "Yes?"

"The food is here. Why did you lock your door?" She ask curiously. 

Because your boyfriend is here. I can't seriously say that to her, so I just shrug. "I'll be there in a minute, just need to put on clothes." I said and close the door again. I chose to wear a sweat pants and a thick long sleeve before joining them in the living room.

"You can sit here Bella." The creep said, patting the seat beside him. I took a sit on a bean bag chair opposite them and grab a box of Shushi and look at the television. They're currently watching The Hangman on Netflix.

"What's this about?" I ask, watching as the girl went through someone else's desk and look at a file.

"They're trying to find a serial killer who engraves letters on the bodies of his victim. You know that game The Hangman. It's like that." Dianna explained. I hummed and ate curry rice next.

After we ate, I volunteered to throw away the trash and went in the kitchen to get desserts. When I close the fridge, I yelp at the sight of Jared in front of me. "You scared me!" I exclaim.

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