Chapter 6

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As promised, I did stay for three days with my parents before coming back to Wales and now that I'm back, I didn't waste time and immediately went to the forest, but not before telling my parents excuse, like I'm joining a neighborhoods retreat somewhere in Wales and that I wouldn't be able to contact them for awhile since phones are not allowed. My parents, as usual, were reluctant, but after loads and loads of persuasion, they approved.

I hurriedly cross the bridge that now became familiar to me and enter the world of darkness, a beautiful darkness. This place gives me peace and tranquility, something that is hard to achieve in my world, I cross another familiar bridge and this time with someone waiting for me at the end of it. 

"Dandy!" I called out excitedly and run to hug him.

"Isabella, welcome back." He said and hug me back, before we started walking towards the library. Surprisingly, we arrived rather quickly than the last time I was here, maybe because I strayed away from the bridge to explore. Dandelion open the door and went in first and I followed. "You can go on ahead, I'll just be upstairs. Call if you need me okay?" He said and hug me again. 

He is so sweet, unlike the others.

"Thank you Dandy and I will." I replied. I watched him go upstairs before I walk towards the second shelf. The first book the caught my eyes is The Odd Ones by The Second Keeper, I pull out the book and sat down comfortably before opening it to first page.

"The Book about the odd ones in each race." I read out loud. I flip the page to the list of contents and learned that the races they're talking about are the faeries, the warlocks and the witches. 

In my years of being a keeper, I've witnessed a lot of things and that includes faeries, warlocks and witches that are born different from the rest, thus being called the odd ones. 

Faeries are the creatures of life, healing and strength. They can heal any type of wounds and can give life to any living things, but most importantly they are the number one source of physical strength that's why most of them are guards.

I remembered the dream I had and sure enough the guards that surrounded me were faeries. But Dandelion seems to be the only faerie around here. Most importantly, what was the meaning of that dream?

There's one faerie that was born with a blue pale skin, it happened just a year after I became a keeper in the dark forest and causes an uproar in the entire Light Forest. I was immediately called by the council to bring the baby with me, because they think he will be a threat. 

My chest tighten after realizing that he was talking about Dandelion. Poor Dandelion, it seems whatever world it is, there's always prejudice. As I read more and more, I cannot contain myself from crying and so I close the book and stood up, I look at the cover one more time before putting it back in the shelf.

"Just when I thought you wouldn't come back anymore, but then here you are." I look at the owner of the voice and found Sylvester leaning on the edge of the shelf, when he saw my face, his smirked drop. "Why are you crying?" He ask.

When someone asks you that, it will just make you cry even more and that's what happened. I sob and hug him, crying even more.

"Wh-what is this? What are you doing?" He ask, flailing his hands in confusion. I didn't respond to him and just cry then I heard him sigh. "You learned about Dandelion?" He ask and I simply nod.

"How can they shun him just because he looked different?" I ask with trembling voice.

"Well, because it's easier for them to do so than try and understand." Was his reply. "Now, let go of me." He said and push me away, I apologize before wiping my tears away.

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