Chapter 2

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It's been three days since I moved in my new house and I must say that I'm loving my isolation here. The houses are far apart and the town is quiet and peaceful which I love the most. The house is located at the very end of the town and is next to the forest, I would always see people walking pass by towards the forest with their dogs and I've been tempted to take a walk.

At four in the afternoon with nothing to do and bored as hell, I decided I'd take that walk I've been planning and so, I changed into my work-out clothes, put on my running shoes and went out. I encountered people here and there with their dogs and of course I would always pet them. I love dogs, but I can't have one since my sister is allergic, we can't have cats either because I'm allergic. Sad life.

As I continued my walk, I noticed a very big lake with a crystal clear water and a wooden bridge in the middle. I approach the bridge trying to see what's on the other end, but there's a fog surrounding the lake, disabling me from seeing the other side. The adventurous and mystery loving side of me awakened and so, I didn't hesitate and crossed the bridge. It only took me five minutes to reach what looks like a little island in the middle of this lake, but what confused me the most is the green door, with vines pattern standing in the middle. What's a door doing here? Was there suppose to be a house here or something?

I slowly approach the door and examine it. I walk around it and confirmed that the door is just mysteriously standing, but there's something I notice, the doorknob is only visible on one side of the door. Why is that?

My heart beats furiously as I stared at the knob. I'm not nervous, but rather excited to open it. I grab the knob and slowly open the door, I gasp as a strong wind blows on my face and I notice a couple of stairs. My eyes went wide and ran at the back only to see the door still somewhat close, I grin widely and ran to the front again. I look at my watch to check the time and it's already thirty minutes past four. Since I have nothing to do and I really really want to check it out, I step inside and began descending the stairs, the door closing on its own, but I wasn't alarmed. When I arrived at the bottom, I see another lake just like the other one with a bridge in the middle. The only difference is that the water is black, the bridge looks worn-out and the fog is more thicker.

Should I go further?


I shake my hands to calm down my overly excited self and cross the bridge. The forest that welcomed me is not like the forest I've been in. This forest is creepy and screams mystery to me, the trees are dead, no grass or flowers in sight and it's surrounded with fog. 

I walk in farther and  look around for any sign of life other than crows flying from time to time. As I got in deeper, I can hear what seems like a humming sound. I follow the sound and came across someone crouching down a tree, his back on me.

"Hello?" I said to get their attention. I sure did when he flinch and slowly stand up before facing me. Our eyes both widen, well his even wider since he has bigger eyes in shock upon facing each other. I look him up and down, trying to distinguish what he is, since he's clearly not a human. He's smaller and thinner than me, he's skin color is pale blue with flower tattoos all over him. His hair is black and it reaches his shoulder, his eyes as I said before were big and round like those in cartoons and anime I've watched, his nose pointy and so is his ears like an elf. He took a step closer to me and in reflex I took a step back. Who knows what he was thinking, he might attack me at any moment.

He tilt his head and smile at me. "We became good friends." He said happily.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask, confused.

"You and I became good friends. I can see the future and I can also read minds." He explained and took another step closer to me.

What is he talking about?

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