Chapter 10

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I didn't talk for days and just lay on my hospital bed lifelessly. My parents, even Diana tried talking to me, but I don't have the energy to talk and answer their questions. The sliding door opened and saw the doctor came in. The other day I heard my parents talking to him and I learned that they found me unconscious in front of my house and immediately brought me to the hospital. I was unconscious for four days and they run a lot of test and the results are finally out.

"Throw it straight to us doc." My mom said, her voice shaking.

"There's nothing wrong with her Mrs. Smith. There were no signs that she was assaulted in any kind of way, she was just exhausted." I can hear my parents sigh in relief. "Although there's one thing that's strange." The doctor added.

"What is it?" My dad ask.

"You mentioned her having a heart condition, but it shows here that her heart is totally fine." The doctor said, gaining my attention.

"You mean, I don't have a heart failure?" They all look at me in surprise. I can't blame them, this is the first time talking since I woke up.

"Your family doctor showed me the test results and there's no mistaking that you did have a heart failure, but when we tested you again the other day, it seems that you were healed and I can't explain how."

Was it because I was hit by that strange light trying to protect Sylver?


I turn my back on them and cry again, I miss him so much.

"Thank you doc. When can we leave?" My mom ask.

"You can leave this afternoon." He said and then excuse himself.

Thankfully, my parents didn't question me anymore and just let me be until I was discharge. We're still in Wales, so my dad drove us towards my house where my sister and Jared prepared a surprise welcome home for me.

"I'm so glad you're out of the hospital now." Diana hug me and lead me further inside, colorful balloons all over my walls and lots of food in the table. "I know hospital food is bad, so we prepared all your favorites." She said and pull the chair for me.

"Thank you, but I'm not hungry. Excuse me." I smile at them apologetically and went up to my room and collapse on my bed. Moments later, my dad knock on the door before coming in and sit at the foot of my bed.

"What happened Bella?" He ask softly. I close my eyes for a brief moment before sitting up. I need to give them an answer at some point.

"What do you want to know?" I ask back.

"Everything." He replied. "You told me you're going camping with this man, but you've been gone for almost three months without contacting us then one day your neighbor who was out walking her dog, saw you unconscious in front of your house."

"We uhh, we went camping and uhh backpacking, yes backpacking. We made a deal to just be with nature and stay away from any forms of gadget you know." I have no choice but to lie, because everything that happened to me won't sound believable to dad.

"Okay, but then what happened? Why were you unconscious? Why are you always crying?" He ask, rubbing my hand.

"When we got back from all those activities, I thought we could date. I mean, we said I love you to each other, but then he said he couldn't be with me." Because he's probably dead. I look up to the ceiling to stop myself from crying again. "H-he told me that our lifestyle is too different and that his life is in America. So, we separated and I went home and just passed out when I was about to open the door." I look at my dad again. "I love him so much dad and it hurts, because he's gone." My dad pull me into his arms and pat my back.

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