Chapter 7

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My excuses work for only a couple of times before my parents gets suspicious and so, I decided  just to stay at home for two weeks, just to clear suspicion. On my time in that forest, I've read various of books and learned more a lot about their world, but still nothing on the Light Forest. Every time I mention it to them, they would just brush me off. Maybe they hate the place? I mean it's always like that in the movies, maybe they're at war.

I reach for my buzzing phone and answer the call without looking who it is. "Hello?"

"Hello darling, how are you?" My mom ask.

"Oh hey mom. I'm doing fine, how about you?"

"I'm doing great love."

"So what's up?" I ask since I just talk to her last night.

"Right, your sister just got back from Korea and she has a lot of stuff for you. I'm thinking of sending this to you by post but Jared offered to deliver it to you himself." My mom said, making me jump up from my bed.

"What? No!" I exclaimed. "Just send them to me by post mom."

"About that, he's actually on his way there." My mom said awkwardly.

"Mom! How many times do I have to tell you I don't like being around that guy!?" I yelled in frustration.

"Isabella, do not yell at me." My mom said angrily. "Besides, I don't understand why you hate him so much."

"How many times have I told you guys, but you always believe that creep!"

"Isabella!" My mom warned.

"You better call him and tell him to just go back or I'm going hiking again an this time, it won't be just five days." I said in annoyance.

"Did you just threaten your mother?" She ask in disbelief.

"I'm sorry mom, but you leave me no choice."

"Martin! Martin! Talk some senses into this woman please." I heard my mom said and a little commotion before I heard my dad on the other line.

"Bella, what's gotten into you?" My dad ask calmly.

"Dad, please don't let Jared come here." I pleaded.

"Is there something going on between you two?" He ask.

"I've told you about it already." I replied, getting more frustrated now.

"You mean the harassment?"


"Okay, I'll tell Jared to come back and I'll let your mom post the stuff your sister bought for you and then I'll talk to Jared about this issue. That okay for you?" He ask, making me ten times relieve.

"Thanks dad. I love you." 

"I love you too Bella, now I'll give this phone back to your mother and you apologize to her okay?" He said and again I heard shuffling noises before there's just silence.

I sigh. "Mom, I'm sorry for yelling at you and sorry for what I said."

"It's okay darling, I'm sorry too. Don't go hiking, okay?" She said, making me laugh.

"Yes mom, I won't. Gotta go now, talk to you soon. Love you."

"I love you too." She replied before we ended the call.

I lay back down with a sigh, wondering how long it will take for Diana to unleash her wrath.

Two days later, I received the parcel and I excitedly open the box full of Korean food, sweets and beauty products. I put the sweets other ready made food in the bag, thinking of letting Dandelion try them.

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