Chapter 4

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For one week, I stayed at home doing mundane things such as, eat, watched movies and then sleep. I tried to set aside everything else, especially the forest. I still can't get over the dream I had last week about Sylvester.

I paused the movie and stood up, I went to the kitchen and put the empty plate on the sink. I look out the window and to the forest.

I want to go.

Should I?

I mean, it's been a week. 

I smile wickedly and hurriedly went upstairs. I change into a leggings and an over sized sweater and put on my running shoes. I grab a back pack and put in extra clothes and went back downstairs to grab some snacks I can bring and a bottle of water. I grab my phone and turn off the TV before locking everything, set the security alarm and ran towards the forest. 

I smile widely as I spotted the very familiar bridge and didn't hesitate crossing it. It's nine thirty in the morning, I set my timer to one hour before opening the door. I smiled at the familiar eerie feeling the moment I entered the door,  unlike before, nobody seems to be guarding the bridge and so I freely walk around the forest. I don't know where to go, since I never really get to know the way towards the library Dandelion brought me to last time. 

I look around and no matter what, everything really looks the same. How can anyone live here? 

Well, you said you wanted to explore. Satisfied now? My subconscious said. I shrug and continued walking, it didn't take time for me to hear a very loud flap of the wings and it baffles me that I already know who's coming. He landed right behind me and my heart beat just escalated. 

I turn around and smile at him innocently. "Hi." I greeted.

"So, I'll take it you're in a middle of exploring?" He ask, sarcasm lacing his voice. I roll my eyes, but smile anyway.

"Yes your highness and I'll let you know I'm enjoying it." I replied.

"Are you?" He ask, looking at me intently. As you know, I don't easily get faze or intimidated, but my goodness me, this man.

"Fine. I'm not." I give up. "I mean, who enjoys living here? There's nothing that screams life here, plants and trees wise." I complain.

"Then there's no reason for you to be here anymore."

"Not this again." I complained. "Did you already forget what I said the last time I was here?" I ask.

He clicked his tongue. "I didn't. How about we make a deal?" He ask, making my ears perk up.

"I'm listening." I replied.

"How about I let you read some books in our library and then you leave and never come back again?" He negotiated.

"Or how about you let me explore and read all the books there is in the library and then I won't disturb you anymore." I replied.

"You want to explore? You've done that already and you know by now there's nothing worth exploring here." He stated as a matter of fact.

I sigh. "Fine, no exploring. Then let me just read all the books, please I won't disturb anyone. I'll stay inside the library and drown myself in books." I pleaded and gave him a pout while crossing my fingers behind me.

He stayed silent for a moment and then nod. "Fine. Just stay in the library and read, nothing else." 

I smile widely and clap my hands in joy. "I promise."

"Follow me." He said and started walking and I immediately followed. He's a tall man, so of course his strides are bigger that I had to walk faster and sometimes run just to catch up to him. After some series of just walking in what felt like a loop with the trees looking the same, we finally arrive at an old building, I've been here before but never really get to have a proper look. It's a very old Victorian two storey building with the walls covered with weird plant vines, I heard the creaking of the door and Red coming out.

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