Chapter 8

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It took me ten minutes to reach a little pond with the water glowing, giving a little light to its surroundings. I walk over to where Sylvester is standing and stood beside him, putting my hands inside my pockets.

"If only I have known this forest is beautiful at night, I would've come at this time instead." I said and look around.

"How did you find this place?" He ask, not looking at me.

"Red showed me the way, I can go if you don't want me here." I said and step back, to my surprise, he chuckle. Goodness sake that's hot.

"The only time I wanted you to stay and you wanted to go, on your own, without me having to shoo you off." He tease, making me roll my eyes at him.

"So, you want me to stay?" I confirm and he nodded in response. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"About what?" He ask and finally look at me.

"You know, what you said back in the library?" I shrug and look at him intently.

He is so handsome.

"It won't change anything." He said and look away.

"Uhh, it will."

"What?" He ask, facing me again.

"It will lift up your mood once you let it all out, it will relieve you of stress. You can talk to me you know, or talk to Red or Dandelion." I replied.

"Me? Talk to that Faerie? He would just give me more headache with his bubbly personality." He scoff. "And Red? We only talk from time to time and it's all about keeping the forest stay as it is."

"Then talk to me." I said and took a sit on the stone nearby, tapping the space beside me. "I won't even talk, I'll just listen."

He stared at me for I don't know how long before taking a deep breath. "Follow me." He said eventually and started walking, I immediately run after him. I didn't ask him any questions as to where we're going, I just followed him. We went deeper and deeper into the woods and the trees are a little more closer to each other it's difficult to see the sky now. After some serious amount of walking we finally arrive in front of a very large gate, Sylvester opened it and let's me in first before he followed, there's a stone foot path with lamp post and for the fifth time tonight I'm in awe, in front of me is an old Victorian house with dim lights inside.

"This is your house?" I ask and turn around to look at him. He nodded before leading me towards the front door and opens it. "It looks normal." I stated once we were in making him laugh. Okay, I made him laugh again.

"What did you expect?" He ask, a smile lacing his lips.

"I don't know, more creepy?" I said unsure. The house is a two story with a lot of doors, there's a living room with only a carpet and a fireplace, not even a one single chair. His kitchen is even worse, it's clean but the cupboards are empty. "Do you not eat?" I ask, closing the last cabinet I was checking.

"If I want to eat, I would just transform into a dog or cat to hunt. There are also times I cook, but just rarely like once in a month." He said and shrug before ushering me to follow him. I did and follow him down the empty corridor.

"You're a king right?" He hummed in response. "Then why don't you have servants or just even a butler?" I ask curiously.

"I don't need one." He replied before stopping in front a door, looking different than the rest. "You wanted to know more about me right?" I nodded. "I'm bad at explaining things so.." He opened the door and it was a library, an old library. Unlike the other library, this one is full of cobweb and dust, but it didn't stop my eyes from sparkling. He lead me further inside and then stop in front of a steel gate and then a wooden stand with a large book. "Everything you needed to know is in that book, but you need to read it inside this cell." He said and unlock the gate.

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