Chapter 3

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The moment I stepped on the forest, Red appeared in front of me. "What are you doing here?"

"You startled me!" I exclaim and hold onto my chest for two reasons, because I got surprise and my chest started hurting. I didn't get to take my medicine and I just hope nothing serious will happen.

"I'm asking you, what are you doing here?" He repeated.

"I just needed to get away for a few minutes." Though I know the time here and in the real world are different. If I spend and hour here, I'll be gone for twenty four hours in my world and that would make my parents worry, so maybe I should just get back.

"You need to leave before Lord Sylvester comes." He warned, his eyes glowing.

"Sylvester? Is he the guy from before?" I ask curiously.

"Yes, now leave." He push me back to the bridge.

"Okay, okay." I said and raise both my hands in surrender. "Goodness sake. I like Dandelion better." I was about to laugh when he glared at me. "What?"

"You are not allowed to like him." He said in a hard tone. I raised my left brow at him.

"Why not?"

"Just because." He said in annoyance.

"Do you like Dandelion?" I ask making him blush. 


"He's coming. You need to leave!" He said in a hurry and push me harder towards the bridge. Just like before, his landing made a loud thud and shook the soil beneath out feet. I slightly tilt my body to look at him since Red was blocking my view and again, just like before, my heart started pounding loudly and instead of feeling scared and nervous, I now feel excitement upon seeing him.

"Hello dark lord." I greeted and wave at him.

He scowled upon seeing me. "You again? I told you not to come back here and don't call me dark lord."

"Well, I don't know your name." I said and earned a scoff from Red. He lean closer to me and whispered 'liar' in my ear. I just shush at him.

"I don't need to tell you my name, now leave."

"Geez. I can tell I'm not wanted." I said in sarcasm.

"I got this one Raider." He pat Red's shoulder and the later nodded before disappearing in just a blink of an eye.

"Wow. He used magic just now, didn't he?" I just stare at the spot where Red was standing a while ago in awe.

"I don't know if you're doing this on purpose or you're just plain stupid." I look back at the now angry lord. "Tell me which part of the 'Leave and don't come back here' you didn't understand."

"I didn't understand the whole sentence." I replied nonchalantly.

"Why are you so stubborn?" He ask.

"I don't understand why I'm not allowed here."

"You don't belong here, okay?" He said and frustration. 

"It's not like I'll do anything bad. I just want to explore." I look around and everything is the same, so the word exploring doesn't fit here. I doubt I'll see anything interesting aside from the Faerie, the Warlock, the library and of course the very handsome lord in front of me.

"There's nothing to see here."

"Yes there is." I argue.

"What?" He ask.

"Well, there's Dandelion and Red, I want to be friends with and get to know them. There's a library and if given a chance I would like to read all the books and then there's you." I said the last part silently, but base on his reaction, he heard it. I feel embarrassed, so I look at my feet instead. I happen to glance at my wrist watch and gasp when I saw the time.

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