Chapter 9

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Sadly, I wasn't able to get back immediately because once my parents got a hold of me on the phone, they refused to end the call.

"Isabella, this is not right. You always disappear for how many days! What's going on with you?" My mom ask.

"Nothing, I just don't want to  talk to you guys." I said truthfully. I know I'm being disrespectful, but I'm allowed to get upset right?

"Isabella, we were just trying to help settle the matter." She replied.

"Okay, I understand. I need to go mom." I said and put the phone on speaker before putting on my shoes.

"Isabella, ever since you moved to Wales, you became distant. Maybe you should just move back here?"

"I don't think so. I moved here to avoid stress, but right now, I'm thinking that you guys gave me the most stress so maybe I should also avoid you." I said in a spur of the moment making my mom gasp.

"Martin, I don't understand her anymore." I heard my mother sob. Moments later, I heard my dad on the phone.

"Hey stranger." He greeted.

"Hey." I said back. I open my backpack to double check everything before putting it on my back. "Dad, I'll be gone for a few days again. I needed to go somewhere important." I said started locking everything.

"Where are you going?" He ask.

"Remember when I told you I met a hiker once? We kind of hit it off and he invited me to go camping." I lied. 

"You're not lying right?" He skeptically ask, making me sigh. "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that are you sure this guy is not going to harm you?"

"I actually think he's too good for this world dad." I said truthfully with a smile on my face.

"You like him that much huh?"

"I really do. I love you dad, but I really need to go." I replied and lock the front door.

"Take care okay? I love you too Bella." I just hummed and then finally the call ended. Putting it in my bag, I immediately run to the forest and towards the lake feeling so giddy and excited.

I took a deep breath before entering the door and run down the stairs and cross the bridge. I look around to see if anyone was there, but there's no one. I stood still and waited for Sylvester since he always know I'm here, I didn't wait long as Sylvester emerged from the forest.

"Hi." I said and slip my hand onto his when he got closer.

"Hi. What took you so long?" He ask and squeeze my hand gently.

"Talking to my parents took longer than I expected." I said and we started walking, hand in hand. "What did you do to kill time?" I ask.

"I was reading a book about relationships and stuff." He said, scratching his head in embarrassment.

So cute.

"You have that kind of book?" I look up to him in surprise. "Who wrote it? Please don't tell me it's Red." I shiver just thinking about Red writing a book about relationships and love.

He laugh and clutch his stomach. "No, no. It wasn't Red, it was the first keeper."

"Oh, so the first keeper was married before coming here?"

"No, he was a teenager when he was appointed the first keeper of the Dark forest. His journal was on my library and since I was curious, I read it. His name is Dimitri and he's a warlock, he likes creating new things and is quiet adventurous. He is obsessed with portals and created like hundreds of them, but they are all a failure except one." 

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