Chapter 5

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The amount of scolding I received from my parents are enough to make me stay put inside my house for days. It took me a lot of time to convinced them I am fine and that I was just hiking to try something new, though it was not enough for my dad since he's been ignoring me for a week now. So, right now, I'm traveling towards my parents home to apologize in person.

After four hours and a half of driving, I finally arrive. I park my car just outside the garage and went inside, to see my parents in the living room watching tennis. "Who's playing?" I ask and plop down on the sofa. My parents jump in surprise and look at me, their eyes widened.

"Isabella!?" My mom exclaimed and immediately hug me. "You should've told us you're coming." She said and usher me to sit back down, before going to the kitchen put the kettle on.

"Hi dad." I greeted.

"Hello." He said, still refusing to look at me. I sigh and sit next to him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Please forgive me." I said in a very soft voice. "I should've told you I was going hiking, I'm sorry. I was just so focus on it that I forgot to give you a call." I explained once again.

"Bella, you know how we constantly worry about you ever since you were diagnosed with a heart disease and even more when we learned the side effect of your medication." He voice out. "You don't seem to care about your well being."

I wrapped my hands on his arm. "I am very sorry. I won't make you worry anymore." I heard him sigh before kissing my head. My mom walk in with a tray of tea and biscuits, placing it on the table and handed me a cup. "Thank you mom."

"How are you doing darling?" She ask. "Are you still, you know, seeing things?" I know I shouldn't have mentioned anything about it, now I'm constantly ask questions like this whenever.

"No, ever since I stopped taking that medicine." I lied. I heard them both sigh in relief, making me relieved that hopefully they would drop the topic anymore.

"Good. That's good." She said. "Will you stay longer here?" She ask, watching the time.

"I'm thinking of staying here for a couple of days." I replied, making them both smile.

"Okay, well then. I'll start making dinner, I actually invited Jared to come since he might be feeling lonely with you know, Diana still in Korea." She said and stood.

"I'm sorry, what? You invited him over? Mom, you know I hate the guy." I said and slump even more on the sofa.

"I didn't know you were coming Bella and I can't just cancel on him. Just tonight, bare with it okay?" She said and held my face.

"Fine." I said and roll my eyes. She gave me a smile before disappearing into the kitchen while dad and I continue watching tennis. I can't say I like the sport, because I really don't understand anything about it, but mom and dad, especially dad, loves it.

If you'd ask me what sport I love the most, it would be volleyball and badminton. Though I suck at both, never the less, I still love it. When I was in middle school, I joined the volleyball club but never made it to the regular team since I actually cower whenever the ball comes my way and so, stayed in the bench.

I got alert when the door bell suddenly rang.

"Can someone get that please!" I heard my mom shout form the kitchen, I look at my dad, but his attention never wavered from the television. I groan and got up, dragging my feet towards the front door, I took a deep breath before opening it, revealing a grinning creep that is Jared.

"Ciao Bella, I got excited just from seeing your car." He said and wink at me. Fuck sake. I roll my eyes at him and turn around to leave, but he grab my arms and pull me outside instead. "No hello for me?" He ask, still not letting go of my arm.

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