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I run out onto the landing outside my room, take a deep breath and scream 'IT'S CHRIIIIIISTMAAAAAAS!'

Five seconds later, all the other doors are flung open and my ecstatic friends run out. 'Merry Christmas!' we all wish eachother.

It's not really Christmas, of course, it's the 23rd. But that's Christmas for us. At least, Christmas number one.

We rush in to the living room and our eyes open wide when we see nine huge stockings hanging over the fireplace, full to bursting with presents. 'What the fish?' Rebekah exclaims disbelievingly. 'Oh my God' Grace gasps. 'Santa?' Diana squeaks.

Sky blushes. 'Sorry, no' she laughs, 'it was me'. I stare at her with my mouth hanging open. 'OMFG! "Sorry"? You see, this is why we're friends' I joke as I hug her.

I say 'OMFG', ok? Sue me.

But seriously, Sky is the most generous person I know. And she's humble. 'It was nothing' she says shyly.

'Oh my goodness' Hazel gasps as she starts opening her presents. 'Sky, this is so cool!'. It's a tiny model of a Lamborghini Aventador, Hazel's all-time favourite sports car (and trust me, she has a lot). 'Cough, loser, cough' Diana jokes when she sees it. Hazel gasps in mock offence, 'rude and disrespectful!' she pouts.

'Hey!' Aisling shouts indignantly 'wait for everyone else!' She shuffles over in her new bed socks to hug Sky. 'This is amazing, thank you soooo much' she smiles.

Elise and I keep staring at the generous gifts Sky has set up. 'Dayum' I say. 'When did you have time to set up this ma-hoo-sive display of snazzy presents?'. Sky laughs, 'Well basically,' she starts, but is interrupted by a scream.

'SKY!' Alison shrieks. 'Is this what I think it is?'. Sky beams from ear to ear. 'If you think it's an iPes, then yes' she replies proudly. 'Wow!' Alison grins. 'Wow wow WOW! You're the best, Sky! I love you so much!' she tackles her in a hug.

Grace is staring happily at her brand new life-sized One Direction cut outs (I told you they were massive stockings!).

Elise sighs. 'Well, you guys don't need to bother opening my presents now because they're going to be crap compared to all this' she says sadly. Grace laughs. 'But seriously, how did you do all this?' she asks.

'Oh, yeah. Like I was saying, basically...' everyone goes silent and looks towards Sky. 'I won the lottery!' she yells triumphantly.

'Bish whet?' I say, holding my arm out weirdly like I always do when I'm confused or surprised.

'Seriously?' Rebekah asks, in awe.

'Yus' Sky confirms cheerily. 'So I decided to treat you all and buy this sturf' she smiles again.

'Thank you!' We all scream together and smother her in a huge group hug. 'Me is much an squished' she pants. I shudder theatrically, 'Please, grammar' I say, as if she is bringing me physical pain, which she sort of is.

I'm a stickler for grammar, ok? Sue me.

Rebekah laughs, and then says 'Okay' afterwards like she always does once she's finished cracking up. It's weird.

Once we've opened all our presents and said our thank-yous to eachother, and I've lined mine up in colour order in my room, we all lounge on the sofa in our new onesies from Rebekah and watch TV.

Aisling looks up from her phone. 'Hey guys, Christmas really has come early!' she grins. 'Taylor Swift's been arrested!' she announces. Diana cheers enthusiastically and high-fives Aisling while the rest of us nod absentmindedly. If those two like all of us as much as they hate Taylor Swift, I think we'll be friends forever.

As they're busy reading the details, I snatch half of the popcorn from their bowl and stuff it in my mouth.

I steal my friends' food, ok? Sue me.

'Oh no you didn't' Aisling glares at me playfully. Man, can she give death glares. Diana stays silent but just looks at me like she can't believe I could possibly be so evil. They should be used to it by now. 'Did you just...?' Diana says slowly as she starts to stand up. I run as Aisling screams 'You will paaaay!'. Ten seconds later I'm on the floor being hit repeatedly by Diana's new giant inflatable banana (a gift from Elise, don't ask).

'Okay, okay,' I hyperventilate 'you win! Somebody save me!' Alison pulls me along the floor and back on to the couch, making sure I'm well away from Aisling and Diana. 'It was worth it for the popcorn' I tease them. They both stick their tongues out cheekily in perfect synchronisation. They're cousins, but they act more like twins.

Grace calls us in to the kitchen. 'Lunch is ready!' She shouts. We all made a part of the meal, we're cute like that. 'Wooo' Diana, Aisling and I shout. We're major food enthusiasts. 'Holy sh-' Sky starts when she sees the table, but she's cut off by Rebekah. 'Language, Sky' she says sternly, but then laughs.

We spend the meal thanking eachother for our presents over and over again, discussing our plans for family Christmas, and singing Christmas songs. Lots of Christmas songs.

'I'm stuffed' I yawn. Sky looks up, pretending to be surprised. 'Did I just hear Lola say she was full?' she says theatrically. 'I should have been filming' Alison plays along. 'Ha... ha.... ha...' Hazel says sarcastically. She always sticks up for her friends.

'This is the life' Elise sighs contentedly. 'This is literally fanfic Christmas goals' she continues. 'Pre-Christmas on fleek' I joke.

It was the best Pre-Christmas ever.

Yes, I invented a thing called an iPes. I don't know what the heck that is, but bear with me please. Thanks. :)
Yes, Taylor Swift got arrested. I don't know what for, but my friends hate her, so yeah. Sorry Swifties. :)
Yes, my friend SavannaHope (Sky) is awesome and super generous and this chapter is dedicated to her. Love you <3

Merry Christmas (and Pre-Christmas lol) to all my wonderful friends. I love you all so much :) <3

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