Ryan Recognition Mermaid Hair and an Old Enemy

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Everyone was so happy for Sky when they found out she was dating Ryan.

'Welcome to the boyfriend club!' Diana said happily. Elise rolled her eyes.

'I can't believe you didn't tell us!' Alison said, hugging Sky.

'When are you seeing him again?' Hazel asked sneakily.

'Um... I don't know' Sky blushed. Everyone laughed.

'We haven't even met him!' Aisling said.

'Tell us all about him!' Grace begged.

'Well...' Sky started. 'He's a gamer as well as an ice skating instructor - he has a YouTube channel'.

Paige perked up her ears. 'Is he... Canadian?' she asked slyly.

Sky looked surprised. 'Yeah, he is! How did you know?'

'I watch him on YouTube! He's my favourite YouTuber! Oh my God, you have to introduce me! Finally one of you gets a boyfriend I actually like!' she said excitedly.

'Shut up Paige, you're leaving soon anyway!' I laughed.

'Yeah, three days! So I need to see him before then!' she said worriedly.

'Okay, I'll call him' Sky said happily.

The next day, we all went shopping together. Paige stayed at home (probably to talk to Leo or watch Ryan's videos) and Rebekah said she had to go to the dentist.

After spending three hours shopping I was really tired and had a really bad headache. 'Guys, I think I'm gonna go home' I said sadly. 'Are you okay?' asked Alison as she turned around quickly, almost knocking Hazel over with her numerous huge shopping bags, but sounding concerned.

'Yeah, I'll be fine, I think I just need to sleep' I smiled at her. I hugged them goodbye and started walking to the train station.

I opened the door and my eyes opened wide. Rebekah was lying on the couch casually, on her iPad. She looked up. My mouth was hanging open and she self-consciously touched her hair. 'Does it look awful?' she asked worriedly. It was bright blue.

'It looks... stunning' I said jokingly. 'Really?' she asked nervously, 'You like it?'

'I love it!' I grinned. 'You pull it off so well! Can I touch it? Jk jk'

She gave me a weird look but then laughed. 'No dentist then?' I raised my eyebrows.

She giggled guiltily. 'No'

Suddenly the doorbell rang. 'Use your keys!' I shouted, thinking it was my friends.

The bell rang again. And again. 'Fine!' I yelled, walking to the door and yanking it open.

I was struck dumb for the second time in five minutes.

Standing on the doorstep tapping her foot impatiently was Sorcha Carey, the bully from our old school.

'Hey' she said, embarrassed and looking at her hands. She hadn't recognised me. 'I just moved here and my mom is making me say hi to all the neighbours' she said in monotone.

Suddenly she looked up. When she saw my face she almost fell over. 'Lola' she said in a sickly sweet voice as she sneered at me. 'My, my, haven't we let ourselves go!'

I glared at her but tried to stay as polite as I could while talking to the girl who had tried to make mine and my friends' lives misery. 'So, what's it like living with your darling mummy at this age?' I smirked.

She turned red. 'Well, I don't exactly live with her' she said quickly. 'She just lives nearby'.

I crossed my arms and looked her up and down. 'Yuh-huh,' I said smugly, 'totally. I get it.'

Rebekah came to the doorway. 'Who is it?' she asked, before coming to a halt beside me and staring at Sorcha.

Sorcha stared back, her face plastered with a false smile. 'Oh, look what the cat dragged in!' she said disdainfully. 'Or should I say catfish' she laughed stupidly at her own bad joke. 'What's with the hair, are you a mermaid or something?' she said, as her lip curled in to a sneer.

'Thanks, that's actually the look I was going for!' Rebekah grinned happily, rejecting the attempted insult.

'Anyway, the others will be back soon,' I said as Paige walked over. 'Yeah, they hate when we leave trash on the doorstep' she smiled sweetly, before slamming the door in Sorcha's shocked face. I high-fived her.
Author's Note-
Sorry if this offends you cosmogyraljosie, it wasn't meant to ☺️
Just so you all know, Sorcha is 100% made up and not based on any of the other characters (my friends). I just needed some sort of conflict for the story, hahaha.
Also, I changed the name cos the old one was really bad, maybe this is worse but since there's nine of us, I thought something to do with nine muses would be cool (idek 😂), and nine bruises sounds mysterious (and was the only rhyme I could think of, lol), it'll probably be psychological bruises / scars, idek, I haven't planned that far. 😝 Tell me if you hate it, and I'll change it. I think it's kinda dumb...
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