Sickness and Lies

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The heating wasn't working so it was absolutely freezing. We were all huddled on the couches, covered in blankets and clutching hot water bottles.

I sneezed. Then, so did Diana. And then Elise.

'Uh oh' Sky said as we glanced at each other and quickly separated, taking an armchair each to ourselves.

'I am not getting sick' Aisling stated confidently. 'Everyone go to your own room and stay warm'.

We all walked away reluctantly.

'But, the fire' Rebekah pouted. Huge orange flames were licking the hearth, giving the room a warm cosy glow.

Grace sniffed and wrapped a blanket tightly around herself.
The plan didn't work.

The next day we were all miserable with runny noses, watery eyes and aching throats.

While everyone else stayed in bed, I lay down in front of the fire with a large supply of tea and tissues. 'This is torture' I complained as Diana walked in, my voice croaking and hoarse. 'Ow' I whispered, clutching my throat.

We all had different symptoms, but we were united by the total hell we were going through.

To add insult to injury, it started to snow, but none of us could go outside. 'FML' Diana cried. 'What have I done to deserve this?'

The doorbell rang and Diana reluctantly answered it.

It was Harry. Diana quickly covered her face with her hands. 'Don't look at me, I'm hideous' she said dramatically, coughing loudly.

He just laughed. 'You could never be hideous.' he smiled at her and hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head. 'Are you all sick?' he asked curiously, looking around the empty room.

'Yes' I croaked. 'We all look like death'.

Elise trudged in, dragging a huge duvet behind her. 'I feel like crap, I look like crap...' she muttered. 'Oh, hi Harry' she said weakly, grabbing some Strepsils from the kitchen counter. 'You should probably leave unless you want to end up looking like a zombie'.

'Ok' Harry agreed. 'Bye, Di' he said fondly, grinning at his rhyme. 'I'd kiss you, but you're gross' he joked playfully, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Diana stuck her tongue out at him and pouted. 'I hate you' she squeaked, before wincing and proceeding to massage her throat. 'Get out' she whispered so quietly you could barely hear. He waved and left.
I decided to text Hugo.

I miss you.
When are you coming back?
Please get in touch.

I didn't want to seem to clingy so I left it at that. The way he was ignoring me hurt even more than my leaky eyes, red-raw nose and stinging throat (which, if you haven't guessed, was a heck of a lot), but I supposed he was busy.

Since Hazel had moved back to Singapore, Ryan and Sky were on a break, and Hugo was away, Thomas was the only boyfriend who there was a possibility of seeing.

He arrived after dinner. When the doorbell rang none of us could shout at anyone to answer it, and when I heard no footsteps I sighed and dragged myself out of bed.

There better be a good reason for this, I thought.

I opened the door and he smiled at me. I smiled back friendlily but realised his mouth was contorted in to a menacing sneer, not his usual happy grin.

I gulped, and then flinched. It felt like I had just swallowed nails.

'What happened to you?' he looked down at me condescendingly.

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