Diana the Bear, Packing Up, and a Grand Tour of the House

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The next day Diana was hungover and groaning like a bear that had been shot.

She lay on the sofa and whined. A lot.

'How could you do this to me?' she wailed. 'Why didn't you stop me getting so drunk!'

We looked at her and burst out laughing. 'Because it was hilarious' I said finally.

'"Two-ty twelve!"' Sky mimicked her.

'"Don't cross me"' Aisling growled playfully, sticking her tongue out.

Grace pushed Elise on to the sofa, '"Timber!"' she screamed, grinning at Diana. (A/N- I updated the last chapter and Diana says that haha)

'Shut up, I hate you all. This is your fault, you're so selfish' Diana huffed.

Alison hugged her. 'I'll miss you Di' she said sadly. She and Hazel were leaving today.

Diana glared at her. 'Don't. Effing. Touch me.' she said slowly. 'But I'll miss you too' she continued, hugging her back.

Harry came over with a mega jar of peanut butter and a bag of Doritos for Diana. 'Hello gorgeous' he said, leaning forward to kiss her cheek.

'Harry' Diana hissed. 'You have precisely five seconds to get the hell off me before I hurt you'.

He staggered back with his hands up in surrender. 'Woah, calm down! I'm just trying to help!' he said, handing her the peanut butter and Doritos reluctantly.

Hazel looked at her weirdly. 'What the hell, Di? Your nice boyfriend is trying to help you chill out, it's cute!' she said, sounding confused. Harry grinned.

Diana glared at them with her hands clutching her 'pounding head that feels like it's being drilled by someone as smashed as me', as she put it. 'Look guys, I really don't need your misogynistic s*** right now, you effing a-holes' she ranted.

'Somebody needs a nap' Sky whispered.

Harry looked taken aback. 'Okay, I guess I'll leave then' he said sadly. 'Sorry, I guess?'

'No Harry, you have to make her better, it's a test!' I joked. 'Di here works in mysterious ways' I winked at her.

Harry cocked his head as if formulating a plan. 'Will this help?' he asked innocently, before he leaned in and kissed her. She beamed and hugged him. 'Yup, just about' she smiled smugly. 'Get over here dude' she smirked, patting the cushion next to her and wrapping her arm around his shoulders.

'You're a little weirdo.' he laughed. 'But you love me' Diana boasted.

'Okay guys, we'll give you some alone time' Alison giggled as she dimmed the lights.

Diana blushed. 'What the hell guys' she muttered, but she was cut off by Harry kissing her again. We hurried out.

Sky, Grace, Rebekah and I piled in to the spare room where Hazel and Alison had been staying.

'Do you have everything packed?' Sky asked sadly.

'Yeah, I think so!' Alison replied.

'Yeah, now I can finally get out of this dump' Hazel joked.

'Rude and disrespectful' Sky mimicked her.

Hazel stuck out her tongue. 'Aww, I will miss you though' she hugged us.

'My BNBF!' Rebekah pretended to sob.

The spare room was the smallest bedroom in the house, but it was one of the nicest.

The beds were awesome. They were like two sets of bunkbeds connected at the ends and embedded in the wall. There was room for four guests at a time, which was always enough.

In front of the beds, there was a table which we always had set up with towels, magazines, soaps and little chocolates like in a hotel. It was bright and roomy, and everyone loved staying there.

Our house was modern, weird and very symmetrical.

When you first walked in, there was a huge open space. To the left there were three sofas, two armchairs, and five beanbags huddled around the TV, which was what we called the sitting room, even though it was really just part of a huge room with no walls separating it.

Across from that, to the right, was the 'dining room', a long table with ten chairs gathered around it.

Behind the dining area there was a kitchen, which was where we spent most of our time.

Across from that on the left (behind the lounge) we had a small casual office area with two computers, which were mainly used by Rebekah for editing her YouTube videos, and Aisling for her interior design coursework.

The door to Diana's room was behind that, and Aisling's was the mirror image on the opposite side, behind the kitchen.

There was a spiral staircase between them which led up to a balcony mezzanine area, where my room was on the left and Sky's was on the right. They were also symmetrical.

The whole house was. Between the lounge and the computers there was the 'left corridor', where Elise and Grace had their rooms on either side, and a bathroom at the end.

Opposite that, between the dining area and kitchen, the 'right corridor' reflected the left, but it contained Rebekah's room and the spare room.

The layout was very strange, but it made the house more interesting. We all loved it despite its lack of walls and sensible planning. It was home.
Author's Note-
Just so you know, 'Diana' wanted to be angry and hung over, she told me. 😂
I'm gonna start putting inside jokes in bold like I did up there so you don't think you're missing something or someone's being really mean, hahaha.
I know the house description is really bad and disorienting, but I wanted you know the house a bit better, I have a drawing and everything but it's really hard to put it in words hahaha, for the bit about the huge room just travel anti-clockwise mentally, if that works. I might post the drawing, who knows. More about the house later ;)
Also 'Alison' and 'Hazel', I don't wanna get rid of you but I said you were just visiting and it's getting really hard to write about nine people. Don't worry, we'll still talk to you a lot in it, you're not being cut out.
This chapter took forever to write an it's not even good, ughhh. Sorry
Thanks for reading,

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