Elevation and A&E

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Hazel and I ran forward and caught Alison just before she hit the ground.

'Tiiiiimber!' Diana screamed. I gave her a withering look.

'Step back, give her room' I waved my arm at everyone around us, motioning them back.

'What do we do?' Aisling asked worriedly.

'Get her on to her back' I said quickly. 'Um, we need to raise her head and elevate her feet.'

Diana ran over with a large cushion from the couch for under her feet while Hazel lifted Alison's head on to her knees to lift it up.

'Take off her belt and jewellery, they're constrictive' I bustled around, trying to remember every piece of first aid equipment I'd learned.

'Ok, now we just have to give her time to get up' I bit my lip. 'If she's not conscious again in one minute we have to call an ambulance'.

'Is she breathing?' Sky asked quietly. Hazel leaned down and listened. 'I don't know' she whispered, starting to cry.

'Don't worry Hazel, she'll be fine' Elise said hopefully.

'If she's not breathing, coughing or moving then that's a problem' I fretted.

'How long has it been?' I asked Diana. 'Two-ty twelve minutes' she giggled. I rolled my eyes and looked at Grace.

'Over a minute' she said, looking sorry.

'Anyone know CPR?' I asked the room. It was silent.

'Okay, I'm calling an ambulance' Aisling decided.
At A&E we were lucky enough to get in right away. Alison was taken in to a room and we talked to a nurse.

She had lavender-coloured hair with a matching clipboard, and smiled sympathetically at us.

'What happened?' she asked.

'Well, that's what we want to know' Hazel replied.

'We were having a party and she started to look sort of pale and said she felt dizzy, and then...' I stopped.

'She just... Fell' Sky whispered.

'Lola did all the medical stuff but it didn't work so that's dumb' Diana said matter-of-factly. She was still drunk.

The nurse gave her a sideways look.

'What "medical stuff"?' she asked worriedly.

'Oh, nothing extreme, don't worry!' I assured her. 'I'll leave that to the professionals. We just elevated her head, took off tight things like belts, and then... waited.'

'But we couldn't hear her breathing' Elise said, sounding scared.

'So we called you' I nodded at the nurse.

'Okay, that's fine, that's the right thing to do' the nurse said calmly. ' Fainting happens when the brain isn't getting enough blood. This can happen as a result of stress, grief, overheating, dehydration, exhaustion, or ilness. Was it very hot at your party?'

I looked at the girls. 'No, I don't think so' Grace replied.

'No sudden news, like a death, or ilnesses?' the nurse asked.

'Not that we know of' Hazel said, sounding confused.

'Okay, then it's probably just dehydration, low blood pressure or exhaustion' the nurse assured us kindly.

'Just?' Sky whimpered.

'I'm sure she'll be awake soon' the nurse confirmed.
We sat outside for ten minutes in silence. The nurse came out and we stood up expectantly. She smiled. 'She's fine'

We sighed in relief.

'Let her have a half an hour or so to recover and then you can take her home.' We walked in the room as grinned at Alison.

'You're alive!' Diana said enthusiastically.

'Of course I'm alive' Alison scoffed, but she continued, 'thanks to you guys'. She smiled.

The doctor turned to us. 'She seems to be very dehydrated' he said. 'Her blood pressure is low, so that explains the dizziness. She's probably also very tired. Get her home, give her plenty of water, and just let her sleep'.

So that's what we did.

Author's Note-
I realise maybe our reactions in this chapter are way too dramatic for someone fainting, I don't know 'cos I've never seen anyone faint before. I googled all the medical stuff so don't hate me if I'm wrong 😂 It all said to call an ambulance if they're not breathing after a minute so yeah...
Divyrocks, I know this is quite similar to what happened in your story, so sorry. I was gonna have someone get hit by a car but then there was a car crash in your story, hahaha, but I still wanted to have something else dramatic happen at the party and fainting seemed easiest.
Sorry again for any incorrect medical facts, I did research!
Thanks for reading,

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