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As much as I admire Oc stories on ATLA fanfics, I'm quite saddened to see only few x readers (*cough* mostly because I inserted my Oc instead of myself *cough*) so anyway, I hope I can serve this story for the purpose of entertainment for most reader suckers out there

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⊱ ───── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

The unwelcoming putrid smell of burning smoke filled her nostrils then onto her lungs- an utterly excruciating sight to see; screams of despondent cries from heartbroken mothers and childrens inundated the thickened atmosphere, the ignited scorching flames affected the houses of the innocent, including hers.

The dreadful scene caused the female's throat to tighten, she could felt herself being oppressively suffocated by her surroundings as she emanated few coughs whilst placing her dishevelled burned clothing arm closer to her mouth, afterwards swiped off the remaining smeared dirt implanted upon her delicate face.

Expectedly, tears welled onto her eyes and rolled to their bedraggled fragility cheeks, landed on the pale bloodied face of the corpse of young boy cradled closer to her aching body, burned scars manifested majority of his features and body.

She blinked, more tears flooded down to her face.

His features remained blurred to her vision, but she knew those dull reddish thing upon his figure are burned scars, especially the neatly sewn haori that is now scorched and horrendously torned apart are familiar, the lifeless young boy's ambience feels somewhat important to her but unfortunately, she cannot put a finger on it.

The tingling singed awful sensation burned onto her back remained thoroughly travail but her attention fully focused the corpse between on her fragile shuddered arms, she's supposed to feel saddened and afflicted by this situation except her features lingered in a blank state, she could not bare to expressed to feel downright emotions.

Once again, for the seventeenth time, she dreamt of this scene.

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Her world twirling around her when she first fluttered opened her eyes, instinctively placing her gloved and over her head, silently having a swiss of relief once the affliction subsided since the horrendous pain hurts like hell, practically mentally praying that it won't occur again- she could not bare to deal with it.

Her gaze meeting the azure icy block, patterns carved around the ceiling, momentarily admiring the sight before stirring her figure to sat up from the icy carved block that she is currently in, releasing a short grunt in the process and subconsciously rubbing her clothed stomach.

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