Running Into All Of Him - 6

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Hi again! Have an amazing day!

this is unedited, I'll probably edit it later.

"Bob! Hold her back, man!" The blonde haired Soc said, attempting at punching her face. But, surprisingly, she blocked almost every single one. And the only time he did end up punching her, was in the shoulder. Ah, her shoulder is getting ridiculed today. Poor shoulder.

The fight had escalated in less than a few minutes. After a few words from everyone, the boy is the one that threw the first hit, but, it didn't even hit anyone. And that's when, Saturday decided to put him in a choke-hold, until someone decided to pull her back from him. Then, after that, this is what happened.

"Soda! Go home! I got this!" She said, trying to push people's hands away from harming her own body, turning her head to see Soda.

"Why should I leave? You could get hurt! Like, a lot!" He yells, then watched her throw her hands on some other Socs own ones, like a fly swatter. "And you know I can't just leave!"

"Soda, leave right now! Or else I'll come over there and make you fight for me!" Saturday yells, fighting off someone's hands who grabbed her waist, pulling them back against their body. And also, trying to swat away some other Socs hands and the blonde haired Soc's own ones.

She only heard Soda stutter, she wasn't facing him anymore because the Soc behind her, continued on holding her tight on his body. "I'm gonna go get the guys!" He finally said.

She rolled her eyes. "Fuck, Soda. He's so supportive sometimes."

"Cherry! Go and get the rest of the guys from the field! We're gonna have fun with this little girl!" The blonde haired Soc (oh my god his name is Henry now) said, pointing to what Saturday assumed was the field, then heard footsteps receding away from the sidewalk they were on. "This little one needs a lesson, don't you, Greaser?"

"Oh my Jesus I'm not little, stop saying that! And the term Greaser isn't offensive I don't know why you guys keep saying that!" She struggles in the boy's grip.

Henry just rolls his eyes, ignorant. "Ok, Bob, make sure you keep her tight, don't want her getting loose and running off to her other greasy buddies."

Wait, Bob was holding her?

She tried escaping from his grip, one arm was above her *ahem* breAstS, hand gripping on her shoulder, then his other arm was wrapped around her waist, hand gripping the sides of her hips. Ah, she felt uncomfortable, and also weird...she never let Bob touch her like this.

Their friendship-touches usually consisted of light shoulder touches, back slaps, shoulder carrying, and friendly stuff like that! But...never, this. In all their years being friends, she never thought Bob would be the one forcing her to be beat up by a bunch of Socs, and also, holding her in uncomfortable places. She was grown now, and all parts of her body differed from when she was 11, it was kinda weird.

But, right now, she was focused on getting free. Not being screwed by her thoughts about Bob. Ew! Don't even think about that!

Henry apparently was looking behind him now to watch out for the other Socs that Cherry was supposed to bring.

"Bob, stop holding me so tight..." she struggled on her words, as she struggled already on escaping. "God, this hurts like hell."

"I have to, Saturday, and I'm not apologizing for it, ever."

"Why? Because you're a pussy?" She chuckles, even though it sounded hoarse (horse 🐴) and forced.

Bob moved his head closer to her own, so she saw the corner of his face in the corner of her eye, which for some reason, was stuck facing towards Henry. "Saturday, no, I'm not a pussy." His arms tightened around her body, as he moved his own hips forward to 'tighten' their bOnd more, "I'm nearly a man now, I can't let any little Greasers fuck up my reputation."

"Ow," she felt even more weird with his hips against her rear-end, but, she was focused on getting free, still! "You're hurting me, bully, and that speech was amazing, wanna give it in front of all your friends now?"

He scoffed. "I'll give it to you in front of all my friends."

"Oh my god, Bob, what?" She nervously chuckled, moving her legs back and forth as if she needed to get out of his grip, gah, this is weird. "What did you say?" She smiled awkwardly, still swinging her legs back and forth.

She felt his chuckle on the back of her neck, since they were more than unnecessarily close now. "I m-meant punches, I'll give you punches. N-not anything else, huh who said anything about anything? Whaaat?" He loosens his grip a little bit, giving Saturday the chance to take a deep breathe in after being squeezed for 30 minutes.

uh. ok.

He blushed, she could feel the heat radiating off of his scorching face on the back of her neck. Her skin started warming up, on her shoulders first, then down to her chest area circling around her torso, giving off a jittery feeling inside her stomach she couldn't get rid of. Then, lastly, feeling the heat move to where his hips were resting.

"You're being weird, Bob." She whispered, he heard, but chose not to answer.

"Stop, Saturday, what's wrong with you! You're about to get beat up by a bunch of Socs, and you're getting hot?" She felt a bead of sweat run down her forehead, "Is it hot out here? Am I gonna look like an idiot whilst getting beat?" Her mind anxiously clouded with the aura of her surroundings, what Bob was doing, and the thoughts on what was about to happen to her.

"Saturday, why are you still struggling?" He says, feeling his arms tighten around her even more, right after she took a breathing break. 

"Stop." She took a deep breath in, feeling her forehead suddenly heat up, "Talking, Bob Sheldon." Some more beads of sweat fell, he felt one on his hand.

"What? Are you crying...?" He moves his hand so he's able to look at his from above her, then looks down at her face, moving her hair to the side.

"I.." she looks up at the sky, her legs began to tremble. "I'm Saturday, clouds, sun, buildings."

"Saturday?" Bob loosens his grip, suddenly, reality hits him, hard. And when it does, he knows exactly what to do.

But now, this wasn't like it was back then, right now, Henry was here. He couldn't show himself around Henry. He couldn't ever.

"Saturday, calm down, please." He let her go, she fell limp into his arms as he falls to the ground on his knees. "She's having a panic attack, Henry!" His own heart rate increases, he starting combing her hair, he himself couldn't think of the method they used when they were children.


"Handle it, Bob! Goddamn those bitches are slow..."

She blinks a few times, "Bob, Henry," she closes her eyes, feeling her heart rate increase at a dangerous pace, feeling as if it'll pop out of her chest and start running around like crazy. "I'm... sorry." She felt her brain shut down, as if she couldn't comprehend with her surroundings anymore. . .

And faint.


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