The Drive-In Brawl PT. 2 - 14

137 3 7

there's more violence haw haw haw

And also I haven't been updating because I'm not in the mood to write, sorry.

- - - - still, at the drive-in - - - -

The horrible and random chain of events continued on, and the crowd surrounding the four teenagers grew larger and larger. Multiple chairs were moved because of the increasing number of busybodies. Ponyboy was the least happiest out of all of them, "You get off of her now! I'm not joking with you, Two-Bit!" Pony says while still being held back by an emotionless Soda, who continues on staring down at Two-Bit. "Shutup, Pony." Soda mumbles, already irritated by holding a struggling Pony's arms back, which surprised Pony—made him wonder, was this even real?

Then some dumb nosy kid in the crowd yells, "Keep sitting on her! She deserves it!" Ponyboy immediately makes a disgusted expression, his face already redder than before and he was embarrassed to show it.

He yells back at the random kid in the crowd, "Hey! What gives with the comment?"

There was a chuckle, "I mean..." then there was a silence, "suffocate her less, Two-Bit! Or, something?" Then the crowd quickly started to cheer and scream again, Ponyboy decided to just roll his eyes...which for some reason starting to get itchy once he looks back down at Saturday. Her almost lifeless body laying on the ground below Two-Bit.
"God.." He looks up to the dark night sky, his eyes burning, "I ain't know if you can hear me or anything ," the irritation in his eyes made anger jolt throughout his body, "But please save Saturday." He closes his eyes, trying to find out what the burning sensation in his eye was by ridding of it—the people in the crowd were making everything worse by the second, and even Pony was being held back by his own brother. Who also, apparently used to be friends with the now victim of this situation, which nobody expected. "Soda." Pony faces forward again, but his eyes are still closed.

His brother hums, "you're a damn traitor, soda." Soon, fast paced footsteps, "I thought you were my brother." The crowd gasps, but Pony doesn't see the people move aside to let whoever it is through. Soda ignores his brother, grunting angrily as somewhat; Pony beats his strength.

"I guess you're not my brother." he says blankly, then elbows Soda's stomach so he falls backwards on to the ground. "Saturday!" Pony then stands there, about to pounce on Two-Bit, no matter if he was his friend or not.

"Move Pony!" But looks like somebody already did pounce on him.


"Saturday?" It's been hours, her savior has came and saved the day, and she didn't even know. "Saturday, please answer me." She lay on the dirt ground, but before she can process that—her lungs immediately gasped in the air she badly needed as she almost fly upwards and start coughing like a maniac, making Ponyboy quickly immerse her in a big hug.

"Ponyboy?" She hesitantly hugs him back, but confused as ever. "What in the hell happened?" She looks around at the ground and surrounding area, the chairs were all scattered, and the only people around were them. No one else. "Pony!" She grabbed his head that used to be laying on her shoulder, and made direct eye contact with him, staring into his worried eyes while he stared back into her own. "What happened?"

He frowns, looks around while grabbing her hands in his, and sighs. "Do you remember Two-Bit attacking you? Like, at all?" She moves her eyes away from looking into his, but he still stared into hers. But, not so long after, the realization hits her. "Yeah," she scoffs, looking back into his eyes. "I do remember, but the last thing I do remember was him..." Pony moves his hands to her face, trying his hardest not to scream and cry his heart out. "Suffocating me." She looks down at his chest, his thumbs were caressing her soft, but damaged face as she bury her head in his neck.

"It's okay, Saturday." He mumbles, then rests his head on her own. She muffles into his neck, "I can't believe Soda didn't save me. And he held you back..." She wraps her arms around his torso, his own hand on her back, and the other gliding through her hair. "Saturday." He makes her look up at him, again,

Then lightly pecks her cheek, "Let me take you home." He whispers, standing up , and then reaching for her hand.


What have I done and why

I forgot the whole storyline I was supposed to do oh nO

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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