Jealousy - 5

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Hello, I hope you are having an amazing day. And if not, just remember, at least you are not dead-

That was reassuring, thanks. :(

You're very much welcome!


"Saturday, yes it's me, need some assistance?" she crossed her arms, eyeing the girl who was next to Bob--curious. Who was this girl? Had Bob forgotten Saturday already? How sweet of him! Even though Saturday herself had some thoughts about him.

Ah, throughout the years, she had always thought about him.

In the classroom, in her bedroom, in the bathroom. I'm just saying—the thoughts haven't stopped clouding her innocent mind, turning it into something absolutely horrifying.

But had he wanted to even think about her? Once she saw that beautiful girl next to him, she immediately felt her ego drop dead...she thought of herself now as a "blob."

(If you are a blob (like me) you are still beautiful ❤️ )

"she's so pretty..." She thought, letting her hand fall away from Soda's, mesmerized with
Bob's choice in woman, which was the stereotypical "hot girl" type. She'd better have a good- ass personality.

"I can see what he never took a interest in me, Jesus, she's gorgeous!" She thought.

But she shook her head, coming back into reality.

"I just..." He tried to start, but suddenly, Cherry stepped in front of him which made him unable to look at Saturday.

"Who is she, Bob, do you know her?"

"I know her pretty well, Cherry, she was my best friend." He said, putting his head down solemnly, as her heart struck for him. She felt the pace of her heart increase by the second, hearing Bob's voice overall. It's been a few good years since she heard him laugh, heard him rant, and heard him give her compliments every time she came over.

Cherry-girl scoffed at him, crossing her bare arms together. "Best friend? From when?" Bob almost answered quickly, but he looked back once he saw both Soda and Saturday shuffling around, as if they were about to leave—that's the opposite of what Bob wanted.

"We have to go, Saturday," Saturday felt a tug on her sleeve, " right now." It was
Soda, he had looked like he had seen a ghost!

"No!"  Bob circled around Cherry. "I need to catch up with her, Soda!" she looked offended, spinning around with him.

"You don't need to catch up with anyone, Bob Sheldon," Saturday said harshly, holding Soda's hand a little *too* protectively, blocking him back from Bob, who was getting closer by the second.

His footsteps continued on forward, "Please, just let me talk to you."

"I said I don't have to catch up with you, Bob--Jesus!" She and soda both backed up, trying to near the corner of the sidewalk-leading to other buildings. "Why can't you guys just let us go?" Saturday eyed the other Socs standing near them in "cool guy" stances. Some were leaning on a blue mustang, and the rest were up against the wall of a building.

"Soda you're such a pussy, Greaser." Bob's sudden remark to Soda struck her head like a lightning strike, the term rung in Saturday's head, and it continued to play on repeat. Bob's words would continue to hurt, but she won't let them stop her from not running away. It's what they wanted. She didn't want to give in, she wasn't a pussy.

"Saturday, please?" Soda whispered, gripping on to her sleeve tighter.

She knew about the problems everyone could cause in less than a second right now, and Soda seemed to know more than Saturday. He's been here longer. He's been here to see everybody's pain and suffering caused by the rivalry.

"We'll get jumped too if we let you guys go unharmed." One blonde Soc boy said, smirking. "The rules around here apply to you, too, Greaser, don't think you can get away with stuff just because you're new." He moved directly next to Bob. "What-?" She saw Bob's expression, and it was now angry. His eyebrows furrowed, and he let the blonde Soc talk all the shit. She thought, everything did change, he did change. Like, she expected him to.

"I'm not new you dirty little bitch, now leave us alone!" Saturday yelled, still protecting Soda with her one arm, and he obeyed staying behind her. If not, it would've caused a bigger ruckus: and that's never good.

"Oh stop this!" Saturday looked over and saw 'Cherry' step in front of Bob and the blonde haired Soc, who were already in a fighting stance position, "I don't like fights, I hate them!"

Saturday laughed, tired of being hidden in Cherry's shadow as the blob. "No one cares what you want, princess."

"I ain't no princess, who are you to say who I am?" Cherry got in her own little fighting position too—even though Saturday's wasn't that threatening, they were prepared. The Socs were pussies. That's what she grew up hearing, even though Bob was at her side most of the time-that's still what all her other Greaser friends said to her.

"I just did, bitch." She pushed Soda back gently, putting herself in front of Cherry. "Deal with it before I knock your fucking neck off your shoulders!"

"You're not hurting anyone, I know you ain't gonna do it." She laughed, "You can't fight, or else I'll get one of the guys to do something about it."

"Thought you said you didn't like fights, princess." She responded, looking up at her pale face transition to a redder one.

"Yeah I don't, but since you threatened me..?" She chuckled, "That's a whole different story with you, little girl." Cherry shoves one of Saturday's shoulders, making her fall back a little bit. But, not as far as Soda was, and he knew he couldn't interfere.

"Just because you as tall as a skyscraper don't mean you can call me 'little girl', just saying." She didn't take the shove as an offense. She just stood, watching as the blonde haired Soc high-fives her.


"Oh, Jesus, they really think a shove is gonna hurt the Saturday Simiones?" She says to herself, facing Soda as she dusts her shoulder off. Soda laughs, then shakes his head, "Nah, it's funny that they think it will," he stuffs his hands in his pockets, looking behind Saturday to see Cherry trying to get a kiss from Bob. "go get 'em, Honey." He finishes off.

"Thanks, Sodapop Curtis." She says back, smiles, sees his smile, then turns quickly around, finding herself already face to face with the tall, blonde Soc who had smart-mouthed them earlier.

"Back for more?" He questions, bringing his fist to his side, clearly clenching it.

"I'm always ready for more."


oh no! A fight!

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