chapter 10

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Sid was still on his bed.

Sid thoughts – There is something which is new between me and Naaz. I have realized it. Is it love? It would be too early to accept it. Just a few days before I have made a blunder. How can now I say that I am in love with Naaz? But I cannot imagine her with anybody else. Aryan likes her and he will not lose this opportunity to impress her. Does she also thinks the same way I think? God!!! This is all mess. And it's all because of me. I really need to talk to her. I need to know her feelings for me too. She reciprocated my kiss that day. It means she also likes me. But I need to know it from her. Also, I want to tell her that I am coming to the US. My company always wanted me to join that project in US. And I was denying it. But now I have accepted it. I will be not in the same city as Naaz but at least we can meet on weekends. At least I can see her personally.

Sid was so happy that by next week he would be there with his Naaz.

Here Naaz waiting for Aryan to come with Car. And suddenly two men come from behind. They make her unconscious with the help of chloroform and take her to Car.

Here Aryan comes, he gets shocked to find Naaz nowhere. He calls her but the phone was switched off. He searches her everywhere. He asks almost every person about her. She didn't know about roads much. She could not go alone. He was hell scared. He goes to her house but all in vain. She was nowhere. She was his responsibility. He had brought her for dinner. He was very worried about her. He knew something bad has happened. She would not go anywhere without informing him. He was the only person she trusted in that city. He makes calls to his seniors and they approach police to intervene.

Here Sid was worried that it been more than 3 hours and Naaz didn't call him. She must have been tired, he thinks. But no, she would not sleep without saying Good night to him, no matter how busy she would be. He was having some intuitions about some trouble. He was worried now. He calls her. But the phone was switched off. Now he was sure that something has happened to his Naaz. He becomes more restless and calls Aryan. Aryan was the only source he can know about Sana.

Aryan (Aryan was hell scared): Hello Sid!

Sid: Aryan! Why are you sounding low? Is Naaz fine? Her phone is switched off. I am not able to contact her. I tried her landline too. But she is not picking up the call.

Aryan: S....S...Sid....I mean

Sid: I am hell worried now Aryan. Please tell me fast. What happened to my Naaz?

Aryan: Naaz is lost, Sid. I am not able to find her anywhere.

Sid: you have any idea what are you talking about? She is not a small kid. How can she be lost?

Aryan tells him everything that happened. But there was nothing to suspect anything. How can she go missing randomly?

Sid: Have you talk with hotel authorities about it? Did they check cctv footage?

Aryan: I have informed to police and they are talking to hotel authorities.

Sid: Aryan, please do update me. Don't call uncle or aunty soon. They will panic. I will handle it. I want my Naaz at any cost. She is in danger, Aryan. I can sense it.

Aryan: I am also worried, Sid. She doesn't know much of here. She doesn't know anybody other than me.

Sid: I will be there in a week. I will not let her go anywhere then.

Aryan: You are coming here?

Sid: Yeah, I am coming for one project there.

Sid was broken. He was feeling helpless. He was unable to do anything for his Naaz. There was so much distance between them. Sid was all frustrated. Why Naaz, you went there? Why you left me all alone. I want you Naaz. I can't live without you. I don't want to live without you. Please come to me. I promise I will never ever leave you alone.

Hours passed. Sid was continuously in touch with Aryan. But there was no single clue. He was sitting on bed helplessly. And his phone rang

Aryan: We got cctv footage.

Sid was impatiently waiting for further communication.

Aryan: Sid, Naaz has been kidnapped.

Sid was hell shocked.

Sid: whatttttttt????????

Aryan: cctv footage revealed that two masked men made her unconscious and kidnapped. But they couldn't get car details.

Sid: Why would anybody kidnap my Naaz? She doesn't know anybody there. She is so innocent. She can't even think of hurting anyone? Then why anyone could do it to her?

Aryan: Police have no clue further. But it's serious. Police are saying, it must be done by somebody very big or very pro to it.

It was the biggest shock for Sid. Her Naaz is in danger. He would not able to wait till next week now. But He doesn't have any option. A big storm has arrived and it was about to destroy everything.

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