Chapter 45

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Aditi pauses for a while when she listens Zain is coming tomorrow.

Zain: Are you there?

Aditi: I don't have wings to fly.

Zain: Excuse me? Can't you talk straight?

Aditi: I talk straight. You twist it

Zain: It is impossible to talk to you.

Aditi: Who is forcing you to talk to me? I don't have any interest in talking to you. It's just if would have not picked the call, you would have tried for multiple times and then you would have got tensed. I thought for good. But.....

Zain: Did anybody told you before that you talk nonsense?

Aditi: And did anybody tell you that you are so mean?

Zain: I think, I should disconnect the call.

Aditi: I will do it before.

Aditi disconnects the call immediately after saying it.

"We both just can't stand each other and Naaz wants us to be in relationship. I mean seriously, how can she even think like that? Maybe this Mr Attitude is good for her. Naaz is his first love. He would be nice to her. But she didn't how rude he is!" Aditi was talking to herself.

Here Naaz and Sid were enjoying there long drive. They generally used to go for long drive on bike. But today Naaz chose Car ride as she wanted to talk to Sid too. It was raining outside. Perfect climate for romantic moments. Naaz has entangled her hand with his one hand and kept her head on his shoulder. Sid was driving the car with one hand. He was used to it. Naaz has kept her eyes closed.

Sid: Sona tha to ghar pe so sakti thi.

Naaz: I am not sleeping, Sid. And you know that. Don't be over smart.

Sid laughs: Yeah I know but you are silent and it is difficult to digest your silence.

Naaz: Hahaha! Very funny!

Sid: Seriously tell me, what are you thinking?

Naaz: I still feel it like a dream. I can't believe we are going to get married in 15 days.

Sid: yeah 15 days.....And for me these are fifteeeeen days. I have to wait for so many days. Do you know how difficult it is for me?

Naaz: Yeah Jaan I know. Same pinch. Ajib si baat hai na? We are together for 10 years. We are best friends but suddenly how things are changed?

Sid: Yeah things are changed but for the best. I feel so complete with you jaan. I never felt such before. You have changed my world.

Naaz: I want the same for Zain and Aditi.

Sid: Thank god! You started the topic. I was going to ask you. You are not going to do any stupid thing. How could you do this with Aditi when you know Zain has feelings for you? I know you feel bad about Zain. You wish him to move on. But this is not the right way.

Naaz: Do you think I am that idiot? I am not going force anything on both of them. It's my gut feeling that Adiza are made for each other.

Sid: Jaan, you made hashtag too? What if Aditi falls for him and Zain doesn't reciprocate? Don't make things difficult for both of them. Your intentions are pure but if any of them gets affected then you would the only person who will regret.

Naaz: Trust me it is going to work.

They chit chat for some time. After some time they were out of city surrounded by greenery. Naaz insists Sid to get out of Car as she loves rain and she wanted to enjoy it with Sid. And in a minute Naaz was out of the car. She was hopping in the mud totally unaware of surroundings. Blend of road lights and moonlight making her confront sparkle with raindrops. Sid was gazing his goofball affectionately. And there was a sudden surge of desire in his mind and heart. Unconsciously his feet move towards his Naaz. Her body was completely splashed and her dress has kissed her skin. Her flawlessly curvy body was visible. They were alone. He said thanks to his stars that no one could not see her like this. Sid went close to her. They both were lost in each other. Sid pulled her to himself with her waist. His one hand was caressing her damp cheeks.He wanted to drink each droplet which was kissing her face. He moves closer and there was just inch of distance between them. The rain runs down their faces to where their lips meet, each of them tasting the cold drops. They both were kissing passionately beneath the open sky, lost within the bubble of time and space. His hands moved inside her top touching her bare waist which passed shudder against her spine. Both were so indulged in that enchanted moment. They get separated due to the sudden voice of horn of a car passed through the road. They begin laughing realising the positions they were in. Sid picks her up and twirls her around. Naaz spreads her hands and screams in delight.

Sid: Abhi ghar chalne ka irada hai ya fir raat yahi bitani hai?

Naaz was clung on him completely. She was not in the mood to go home back. She wanted to cherish every moment with him.

Naaz: Nope. I don't want to go home. I want to sit here with you in your arms. I feel like home in your embrace. I feel so protected with you. These moments are very precious for me. I know you never liked the rain but always enjoyed it for me.

Sid: Because your happiness is what matters for me the most jaan.

Naaz: Thank you Sid for everything. Thank you for making me feel special.

Sid: I love you jaan.

Naaz: I love you more. Though I don't want to go from here, we have to because I can see your face. You are going to catch a cold. And your nose and your face going to turn tomato red. Let's move.

Sid: We can sit for more 10 minutes or so if you wish.

Naaz: Kullu! No, let's go home.

Sid: As you say.

They both intertwined their fingers and walk towards the car. Sid has already started sneezing. Naaz insists to drive the car as she knows he has already caught a cold and in some time fever would also rise. She was not regretting the moment but she was guilty that because of her stupidity, he going to suffer.

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