Chapter 33

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Tara was much tensed as she was unable to find Naaz in washroom. She searched everywhere but Naaz was nowhere. She goes to Zain. She was looking very scared. Zain and Sid senses something bad has happened.

Zain: Tara, where is Naaz?

Tara: I don't know...I....I....I mean...I mean

Zain: Speak up clearly damn it. What happened to Naaz? Did she get injured?

Tara: She is nowhere.

Zain (shouts): What do you mean by this? You were with her. Where could she be gone? She got disappeared just like that? Are you out of your mind?

Sid: Calm down Zain. Tara, please tell us clearly. Tara nobody is blaming you, but we need to know what is happened? Where is Naaz?

Tara (while crying): I really don't know. I was waiting for her outside. It was almost half an hour she didn't come out so I decided to check inside but then she was not there.

Zain: Did she run away? Did she leave me?

Sid was hell angry to listen to this statement.

Sid: Are you mad Zain? How would she leave without me? She can leave you but not me. She is in trouble. Do you get it? She has been disappeared.

Now even Sid was getting more panic. His Naaz was surely in some trouble.

Zain (in frustration): Why did even I listen to her? Why I didn't take security people with us? She was so confident that we would protect her. I failed. I failed to protect my angel.

Zain was angry. Zain was nervous. He was not able to think properly. The first time in his life he was feeling so helpless.

Sid: Can you please stop saying this? This is the time to take action. This is not the time for blame game.  She is in danger. She needs us. We need to find out the way. We have to find her.

Zain makes some phone calls and shouts on almost everybody to find her out. Zain was on the verge to cry. Feeling of losing her was piercing his heart. Sid was also in the same state. He was biting his nails. He was restless. But still, he was strong. He was thinking about how he could find the way. Suddenly something strikes him.

Sid: Zain! I have one way. When I came here at your place, I had given her one chain with pendant.

Zain: What about that chain? Pendant?

Sid: It has GPS tracker. We can track her location. But I need a system for it.

Zain: When did you give it? How could I not get it? I have sensors placed in my mansion. All systems are full proof.

Sid: Zain, is it the time for this discussion? When I say I am too much capable, I mean it. You have power and I have a brain. So please now we need to use these both things. Right now Naaz is my only priority. I can't afford to lose her at any cost. I want her to be safe.

Zain: Just one thing Sid. If this kidnapping has been done by any of my rivals then they must have these GPS detectors. They must have destroyed it.

Sid: For god sake Zain. Please use your brain. When I am saying is tracker is designed by me then it is not detectable. Can you please now concentrate on our further actions? We need to move from here. Tell your people to keep track and if they can find some clue from here.

Zain: Ok. Let's move from here.

Zain instructs his security force to do an investigation and find out clues. Both of them leave with Tara to the mansion.

Naaz was feeling dizzy. She was opening her eyes slowly. Her eyelids were heavy. Her head was aching very hard. She finds herself in a dark room. She was tied to the chair. She was struggling to get out of it. But then she gave up as she was exhausted. She was clueless about the situation where she had been trapped. She remembers nothing. Suddenly there was a bright light on the room. Room was big. But it was a kind of storeroom. She tries to find out if there is any way to get out of it. But it was an impossible kind of thing. She suddenly listens some footsteps coming towards the room.

Naaz (screams): Who is there?

Somebody enters in the room. That man had a well-built body. He must be in his 40s. He comes closer to Naaz and puts his hand on her shoulder.

Unknown: No doubt, Zain is mad for you. You are beautiful

Naaz: Kamine kutte dur reh mujhse. Hath hata tera. How dare you to touch me?

Unknown: Oops! You are feisty. Cool. I like it. Ms. Shehnaaz Gill, you are my guest.

Naaz: Guest my foot! Just free me. I will show you who I am!

Unknown: Chill sweety. Gussa sehat ke liye hanikarak ho hai. You are too delicate. Don't lose your energy.

Naaz: Why I am here? Why you kidnapped me? Don't tell me that you also like me and hence kidnapped me. I am tired of this kidnapping drama.

Unknown: Don't you think you talk too much?

Naaz (shouts): Just tell me fucking ass hole why you kidnapped me?

Unknown: Ohh! Sassy gal! You can abuse too? The answer to your question is revenge.

Naaz: I did nothing. In my dreams too I never thought bad for anybody then what kind of revenge you want from me?

Unknown: Fiesty yet innocent. Sweetheart, you are a deadly combination. I don't want any revenge from you. I want to make suffer Zain. And you are his jaan. If I make you suffer, he would be destroyed.

Naaz: Zain is very powerful. He will kill you. And most importantly, Sid is with him. Sid will take me from here. You just wait and watch.

Unknown: Oh! So its love triangle. Interesting! Maza aayega! This game is going very interesting. Superb. God knows if this triangle can become square too. Ek ful aur teen diwane. hahahaha

Saying so that person starts laughing. 

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