Chapter 30

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Zain was stunned. First time in his life he was really frightened. He doesn't care about him. But now Naaz was with him. And anything Sarang said it was right. His each rival didn't indeed attempt to mess with him before. Since he was fearless, he was emotionless. He had nothing to lose. But now everyone is an alert. They know his weakness. Yes, Naaz is his weakness. He would not take it in case anything happens to her. He was disappointed with this reality. But then he thought he has power. She would be always in high security. He would not let anyone hurt his princess.

Here Naaz was traumatized with party incidence. She is very simple with exceptionally less desires from her life. But presently her life is a mess. Sid took her to his room. He let her sit comfortably on a bed. He offered her water. But she didn't take it. She was crying. She has held Sid's shirt tightly and crying continuously. Indeed Sid was stressed for her. She already was not well. More stress can lead to anxiety. He has got to calm her first. He cups her face with his hands.

Sid: Naaz! Please look here. See in my eyes. I am here with you. No one would not dare to touch you. Every trouble needs to go through me first. You trust me na?

Naaz was still sobbing.

Naaz: I don't care about myself. I have put you here in this trouble. Sid, please leave me. Destiny doesn't want us together. You have your own life. Please live it happily.

Sid: What are you talking, Naaz? You are my life. You are my everything. I can't afford to lose you. I am not leaving you at any cost.

Naaz was shouting now.

Naaz: Why don't you understand Sid? You are not alone. Ma and papa are also there. They need you. You can't be selfish. I can't be selfish. Please understand.

Sid takes her in his embrace.

Sid: Trust me my jaan. Everything will be fine. We will live happily. Please keep faith in our love.

He cups her face once again. He sees through her eyes. Eyes were wet and ruddy. He kisses on her tear. Then puts the damp kisses on her eyes. He kisses nearly each portion of her face. His warm breath was falling on her face. His touch was magical. It was calming her.

He mumbles in between in her ears, "You are everything that I want and ask for, you're all that I'd dreamed."

His voice passes shudders through her spine. Her breath gets hitched. She closes her eyes and he pecks her lips tenderly. It was a kiss of affirmation. He needed to guarantee her about their exquisite future. He needed to wipe off each fear from her heart. He was kissing delicately however profoundly. His tongue dove between her lips, tasted her, found her tongue twined around his. His hands drove into her hair, gotten modest bunches of it, and smashed her mouth to his as her little fingers slid into his hair to drag his mouth down against hers. Her fingers were moving in his hair. His hands begin moving on her back. They both were so into each other. She has forgotten all of the stresses in his touch. Finally, they break the kiss. They both ran out of breath. He embraces her firmly. He was not letting her go anywhere. After a few times, she gets normal. She has rested her head on his shoulder. Their finger were interwoven. There was profound but comfortable silence. Sid kisses her temple.

Sid: Remember one thing, I belong to you and you belong to me. I cannot exist without you. You are my home. I am gonna be with you in any situation. You have to bear your kullu for a lifetime.

Naaz: When I say 'I love you,' it means I am yours completely and I will always be. I have given you my heart, and I trust that you will take care of it, protect it, and keep it safe. But I am just worried about the situation. Whenever I think, everything is going fine, at that time only such things happen and I get scared of losing you.

Sid: I know situations are not favorable jaan but I am still optimistic. It is just because of our love. We are made for each other and we would grow old with each other.

Naaz: What is next Sid?

Sid: I will talk to Zain. First time I have seen fear on his face. He let me take you from there. It implies he knew, only I can calm you. You know, it is unusual but I don't hate him now. He is really profoundly in love with you. Our situation is far way better than him. At least we know, we are together at any circumstance. But he is alone Naaz. And he has realized his loneliness after your entry in his life. He is afraid to live alone now. I have seen care for you in his eyes. I got to talk to him and make him understand that we can remain in his life as friends. Also, he would get his new family as well.

Naaz: I think, you are right. And I am sure you can do it.

Sid: Let's go to your room. He would be worried about you. And don't worry I will make everything perfect.

Sid takes Naaz to Zain's room. Zain was not in room. Sid tells Naaz to get fresh and sleep. He comes out of the room to see Zain. Party was over and people were leaving one by one. Sid could see Zain tensed. He was behaving like he is calm but a storm was building in his mind. Sid waits for some time. As soon as all guests were out, he approaches Zain.

Sid: Zain, We need to talk.

Zain: I know, what you want to talk about? I know you are worried about Naaz. Even I too care about her. Don't worry! Nobody can harm her. You don't have an idea about my powers.

Sid: I am not worried about her safety Zain! There are many more things we need to talk about.

Zain: Can we talk tomorrow? I am tired now. I want some rest.

Sid: Fine. We will talk tomorrow.

Zain: Is Naaz fine?

Sid: Don't worry! She is fine now. She was scared as she has never gone through such situations but now she is ok. She must be sleeping now.

Zain thanks Sid and move towards his room. When he enters the room he finds a cute angel sleeping peacefully. He forgets all his fears, anxieties for that moment. One word, one sentiment makes us feel free from weight and pain of life, Love.

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