Chapter 39

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Next morning Sid wakes up first to see his Naaz resting in his grasp. Her hair flicks were coming on her face. She was sleeping so peacefully keeping her face his muscular arm. Sid delicately expels her hair from her face. He pecks her cheeks delicately. Naaz chuckles in her sleep. In sleep moreover, her cheeks turned pink. He was just cherishing his effect on her. Her charming pink pout was welcoming him to give a peck on them. His eyes slide on her heart-shaped birthmark close her heart. That birthmark was driving him insane. He so wanted to nibble and lick it. But he didn't want to disturb her sleep. After so many days she had slept without any stress. He was busy in revering his Naaz when his phone beeped. He checked his phone. There was his mother's message inquiring almost his work and schedule. He decided to call his mother as from many days he just ignored her. He ignored his mother since he was not able to tell her truth. Finally, he could call his mother with his orginal smile.

Sid: Hello Ma!

Sid's Ma: Hello beta! I thought you have forgotten your mom in your work. Even Naaz too forgot me. You both got so busy that you don't have 2 minutes to talk to me?

Sid: I am sorry Ma! There was much stress of work. But now everything is fine. There is one good news.

Sid's Ma: Can you please break suspense?

Sid: I and Naaz are coming back to India.

Sid's Ma: What! When? Why???

Sid: Oh my lovely Ma! Don't be shocked! We are fine and coming by tomorrow.

Sid's Ma: Everything is ok right? I mean, Naaz was kidnapped in between and after that suddenly after a few days Preetoji told me that some man rescued her. I mean....everything is fine with her right?

Sid: Are meri pyaari Ma! Everything is just awesome. Don't worry. And just start preparing for your Son's marriage.

Sid's Ma: Matlab tu ne thaan liya hai ke mujhe heart attack dena hai?

Sid was chuking: No not now. You have to dance in my baarat.

Sid's Ma: You know I don't like suspense. Tell me clear.

Sid: Ok! Ok! Ok! I and Naaz, we are getting married.

Sid's Ma: Finally, best friends chapter is over. Oh God! Please keep my kids away from evil eyes. Thank you so much for this news. I so wanted to see Naaz as your wife and my daughter. I am very happy for both of you. Where is Naaz? Is she with you? I want to talk to her.

Sid: Ma, she is sleeping. I will tell her to call you.

Sid keeps phone & goes back to Naaz. She was still in deep sleep. But now he thought to gotten to be naughty. And he lies beside her and pecks her lips. Naaz once more chuckles in sleep as if she was seeing a pleasant dream. Sid then gradually nibbles at her lower lip. And begins kissing gradually. Her sleep gets disturbed and she gradually opens her eyes to see her Sid kissing her. And there was intense eye lock. She also reciprocates in the same passion and love. At last, after 10 minutes they break kiss with overwhelming breathing. They get calmed and relaxed. They sit there for a few time entwining hands with each other. Naaz keeps her head on his shoulder.

Sid: I feel like I am in dream. I could not ask more from God now. I have everything which I need.

Naaz: Feelings are mutual Mr. Shukla. It was always my dream to wake up like this in your arms. Then you would make tea for me. We would have it together. Then you would prepare breakfast for us. Then Ma me and you all would have breakfast together.

Sid: Ek minute! Chai tak to thik hai but what breakfast n all? I am your husband not your servant.

Naaz: Oh my kullu! Such a cute red tomato! My would be husband, can't you do this much for my happiness?

Naaz makes puppy face and looks to him.

Sid: You are such a bad wife. Ok if I do this for you then what will I get in return?

Naaz: Gande bache!

Sid: Abhi to kuch kiya nahi meri Jaan.

Saying so he comes over her. They continue their cute banter with love making for some time. And then get ready for routine. They come down together for breakfast. Zain was already there.

Zain: Good morning! Lovie dovies!

Sid and Naaz: Good Morning!

Sid: So what is the plan Zain? Should I book tickets?

Zain: No, you are not gonna book any tickets?

Sid: I will do it Zain. You don't need to bother about it.

Zain: Even I am not booking tickets.

Sid: Means? You want us to stay her for more days?

Zain: No, you will go by today evening itself. You both are going to go by my private jet. I have almost did all formalities. Just pack your stuff and get ready. And yes, please don't start thank you session now.

Naaz: When you are planning to come India?

Zain: In next month. I know you both are very desperate to get marries but please hold on for a month.

Sid: Sure buddy. We will be waiting for you.

Zain: I will be not there to bid good bye to you.

Zain tries to hide his teary eyes but in vain.

Naaz: Zain! You have earned very special place in my heart. And it can't be replaced by anyone. And now you are going to experience madness of our friendship. Always keep smiling. I don't want to see tears in your eyes though I know I am the only reason behind it.

Zain: Your wish my command! You said it now you will never see tears in my eyes.

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