Part 3

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Seriously? I've literally been here for 5 minutes. I scramble to my feet and plod over to the door in a bit of a huff. I pull open the door to see a girl - same age as me, I think. She looked very timid. She was average height, had dead-straight, shoulder-length black hair, light hazel eyes and beautiful, chocolate skin. She seemed nice enough.

"Hey, can I help you?" I said in a surprisingly chirpy tone, considering how annoyed I was for being disturbed a minute ago.

"Hey, yeah, I'm Dahlia Edwards. I'm your room-mate." She said awkwardly, raising her hands to make an awkward jazz-hand-like motion. I completely forgot I was sharing this room... My eyes shift to the other bed opposite mine. 

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. Which obviously made her uncomfortable. She was very nervous.

"Then why didn't you just let yourself in? You must have a key, right?" I replied. I was starting to get a bit suspicious.

She squirmed uncomfortably. "I'm just going to come straight out and say I lost it." She said sheepishly, rubbing her neck.

I started to laugh hysterically, which I think relieved her a bit.

"On the first day? I'm very impressed!" I said in a sarcastic tone. She smiled and chuckled a bit. "Come on in."

I stepped out of the doorway and she walked in closing the door behind her. She seemed a lot more at ease now than she did a minute ago as she slumped onto her bed and exhaled loudly.

"You seem very relieved. Were you scared I wouldn't let you in?" I said. She laughed and sat back up so we were facing each other. "A little, yeah!" She said. "I've been worrying about meeting my roomie for months now." She shrugged her brown leather jacket off and sat cross-legged on her bed. "My mum had a very bad roommate for her first year of uni. She never stopped talking about it! I'm just very relieved that you seem nice." I chuckled in agreement. "Thanks, I think." I stuttered. "You seem nice too, Dahlia."

"Thanks! Uhm... Sh*t! I haven't even asked what your name is yet!" She said suddenly embarrassed. "Haha, don't worry, I'm y/n l/n." I replied. She smiled. "Wow, that's beautiful!" She gasped. I was quite fond of my name, my mother did a good job there. "Thank you," I replied, catching a glimpse at all of our bags cluttering the floor.

"We should probably get started on unpacking everything." I said. Dahlia nodded.

We put on some music and began to unpack our stuff. We had a surprising amount of common interests. We were both only children and we were both studying biology. We definitely had very different upbringings though. She was extremely close with her parents whereas I didn't really have any. She is also OBSESSED with the avengers- she talks about them non-stop while we're unpacking. I've always been impressed with them- don't get me wrong- I just don't see the obsession... They were just born lucky! 


Dahlia's mother is from Rio, Brazil and her father is from Bristol, a couple hours away from here. They met when her father went to Rio as part of a business trip - how adorable! I do feel like I missed out in the family department, but I've always been more of a lone wolf any way I suppose. I push down the pang of jealousy forming inside me and open up my second bag of stuff. I think that I might actually have found a friend here.

Maybe my life will start to be normal...

Who knows, right?

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