2. A Mystery Is Introduced

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A/N: Okay so that first chapter was just a kind of intro to Marianna's character. Here it gets interesting.

"Ah, hello! Umm...could you tell me what year it is?" The Doctor asked in his beautiful british accent.

Marianna wanted to hug him, but she didn't want to look like a freak. Though her wide-eyed staring was probably not helping.

"Uhh...umm..." She answered, "2015, January 9th, Friday. We're in Turlock, California by the way. It's a small unimportant town in the valley. What are you doing here?"

"Oh I just, was doing a routine fence inspection." He excused. He examined the fence. "It's doin' good." He promised. He leaned on it, pushing a board that was broken. The board fell inward causing him to trip.

"That fence is anything but good." She told him, as he jumped to his feet a bit embarrassedly."What are you really doing here? You wouldn't be here if there wasn't trouble...and you're in my backyard. Why would you be in my backyard?" Marianna panicked, "Is it my house?! Is it my family?! Did my family memebers' bodies get taken over by an alien intelligence?!"

"What? No. Do I know you?" The Doctor asked confusedly.

"No," she replied mysteriously, "but I know you."

He stared at her in silence for a moment.

"Anyways, so trouble? What happened? What are you doing here? I know you're a time-and-space-traveling alien so you can spare me the excuses. What's going on?" Marianna asked.

The Doctor looked her over quizzically, but told her anyway, "My time machine, the TARDIS, fell through a crack in the dimensions as it appears. This is a parallel to my own world. The trouble is, I came through following something and I can't seem to find it."

Marianna tried not to smile. It's probably dangerous, she told herself which made her want to smile more.

"I'm serious! You're world is in peril!" The Doctor promised.

"Oh I know, it's just...you're here!" Marianna grinned, "You're really here!"

"Yeah...okay, but the world is in peril."

"Calm down," she told him, "You always beat 'em in the end right?"

"Not without sacrifice." He reminded.

"I'm sorry I told him, how long has it been for you?"

"Since what?"

"Since Rose...or maybe since Donna."

"How could you possibly-"

A piercing scream from my neighbor's house cut him off. It sounded like it had come from, one of Marianna's best friends, Kayla's house.

"Kayla!" Marianna cried, dropping her stuff and running as fast as she could down the street a bit to Kayla's house. the Doctor followed her with his sonic out and possibly scanning Marianna.

She knocked on Kayla's door, but no one answered. Both Kayla's family's cars were gone. Marianna cursed Kayla's parents under her breath. They had the annoying habit of leaving Kayla alone for hours even though she was only eleven.

The door was open, so she rushed inside. The door opened into an entry way at the foot of a staircase. To the left was a comfortable living room. There was a flat part in the middle of the staircase, where it turned right. They had a cat scratching post sitting there. That's were Marianna now saw Kayla.

Marianna rushed to Kayla's side. She didn't stir. She was a young girl with straight blonde hair and a slightly pointy nose. On her forehead was a bloody wound. She was still breathing.

"Doctor!" Marianna called, "Can you bring the TARDIS here? We need some help."

He gave her a nod rushing out of the house.

Marianna ran downstairs to Kayla's kitchen and grabbed a wash-cloth. She wet it in the sink then rushed back to Kayla. She applied the cold dampness to Kayla's wound, cleaning up the blood a little. The wound didn't seem to deep. The Doctor would be able to tell how bad it was. At that moment the TARDIS appeared in the living room.

The Doctor rushed out. He examined Kayla's wounds. "The damage is mostly superficial." He diagnosed.

"Can you take her somewhere in your spaceship slash time machine to help her?" Marianna asked.

The Doctor nodded, picking up Kayla.

Despite her curiosity about the TARDIS' interior Marianna stayed outside. She looked around the crime scene to see who-or what- could've done this to Kayla. Marianna had recently found a new obsession with Sherlock the TV show as well as the Holmes books, so she was now in detective mode.

There was a piece of paper where Kayla had been laying. It said in orange marker; Look Behind Y

The note hadn't been finished.

At first, she thought it might've been in code. Like, look behind Y actually meant something. Then Marianna realized maybe it was a note to whoever found Kayla and that it was supposed to say; Look Behind You.

What does that mean? She wondered. Look Behind You.

She looked behind her.

She screamed.

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