Chapter 13: Dance

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April's P.O.V

"Dad!!" I yell as I walk into the Kitchen

I see Dad and Naomi already eating breakfast by the kitchen table.

"Good Morning" He greets and I nod

"Morning" Then I turn to Naomi "Good Morning"

"Hope you slept well" she smiles

"I probably did" I smile back.
I turn to Dad "Dad... I'm going to the studio today"

"Really? You're not even going to use the whole day to rest, or open presents"

"Tempting" I sigh "Nope... I'm going to the studio"

"Okay" He walks down to me "Have fun" He kisses my forehead.

"Bye Dad" I say, kissing his cheek
"Naomi" I wave and leave the kitchen

I move to the living room and stand at the edge of the stairs

"Xander!!" I yell "Xan-"

"What is it?" He yells from his room

"Come down here... right now" I say and wait a few seconds

"What?" He asks when he comes to the stairs

"Wanna go to the studio?"

"What? No"

"Ugh...Fine... Bye" I smile and leave

"Seriously?" I hear him groan... Hehe


"Oh My God!!" Mindy yells when I walk into the studio

"I know" I smile

"No shit!" Emma yells as they both come over to me " Please, don't be my imagination" she says and we laugh

"Hi, I'm April Hawkins... Not your imagination" I say, laughing

"April!!" I turn just in time to see someone run down to me.
She hugs me tightly till tears sting my eyes.

When she pulls away, the four of us are laughing hard

"Sorry...I just can't believe you're here" Danielle squeals

Mindy Timothy, Emma Blake and Danielle Lucas; My dancing partners. We train here and make our dance videos together.

Danielle's Dad owns the studio; ElChicago.

I was sixteen when Dad had me registered in the ElChicago studio.
It was during the summer break and I thought it'd be like some of the other kinds of trainings, lessons and stuff I'd ever been registered or enrolled in.

But it was different... I love dancing.

And I love dancing with Mindy, Danielle, and Emma.

It's not like I don't dance with other people, I do.
Infact, my ex and I made a couple of dance videos together, it's just, dancing with the girls makes me feel so real and free.

They're really passionate too and that moves me.
We love dancing, and if I must say, we're really good at it.
But, you can never be too good at something right?
Maybe you can, but we still train very hard.
Almost everyday.

We're like Basketball players. Really committed to our shit.
Like Xander

The Studio trains everyone on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, but Mindy, Danielle, Emma and I train everyday except one day in the week.

The day varies. It depends on how the Week is, or is going to be like.

Even with training here everyday, I also dance in the studio in the basement at home.

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