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Brei was dressed and ready to go meet up with her brother. She hopes their parents will agree with their first proclamation. "Hi Ben." She said as she walked in. "Lumiere." Ben looked and smiled at his sister.

"Brei." He said as she walked over. "You think mom and dad will agree to this plan." Brei shrugged. Ben sighed and looked at the Isle of Lost. Brei walked over to the window and looked out it too.

"Ben, just remember that I am with you all the way." Ben smiled at her. "We are twins any way and our first steps as King and Queen is to make sure our proclamation that we talked about falls through."

"Let's hope they agree." Ben said as Brei sighed understanding.
Brei left for a few to get a book, much like her mother, and read as she waited for her parents, just to bump into them as she walked in. "Brei, are you okay?" Belle asked as she helped her daughter up.

"Yes, mother." Brei replies. "I wasn't expecting you and dad at the moment."

"It's fine Brei, but I can't believe my little girl is going to be queen." Brei smiled at her father and kissed his cheek.

"I'm still your little girl." Brei tells him. As she stood beside Ben. "We need to talk about something important." Belle and Beast nodded. "The two of us have discussed what we want our first proclamation to be."

"We have decided that four of the kids from the Isle should come here."

"No." Beast tells them.

"Dad, they aren't like their parents and we can prove it." Brei said. "Please give them a chance."

"Who are their parents?" Beast asked.

"Evil Queen... Cruella DeVil..."


"Maleficent!" Brei jumped at the tone of her father's voice as Ben held his sister close. "She is the evilest of them all."

"Dad, those children aren't like their parents." Brei tells him as she looked at him with her blue eyes. "Give them a chance and let us prove that they aren't like their parents." Ben smiled proudly at his little sister, plus, who can say no to those beautiful eyes.

"Okay." Beast said making Brei hug her dad. Brei hugged her mother.

"I'm so proud of you." She said. "You know exactly how to get into your father's heart." Brei smiled as they started walking away. "Good job." She tells them.

"That's why you are needed." Ben tells his sister. "You know how to get through dad."

"Ben, I have a secret weapon." She tells him. Ben rolled his eyes.

"Your eyes." Brei smiled as she left the room. Ben shook his head at his sister as he followed her.
Brei stood with her brother and his girlfriend in front of the school. She hated Audrey and Audrey knows it. Brei saw the limo and smiled. "Their here." She tells her brother who nods. They watched as two girls exit and two boys fighting. Brei smiled as she can tell those two were closer.

"Stop it." The girl with the purple hair said making the two stop. Brei studied each one. She can tell the one with the blue hair is Evie. She noticed Fairy Godmother separate Ben and Audrey's hand making her laugh.

"Thank you." Ben gave his sister a look. "Hello and welcome to Auradon. My name is Brei and this is my twin Ben."

"Princess Brei and Prince Ben soon to be King and Queen." Audrey said making Brei roll her eyes.

"You had me at Prince."

"The Evil Queen has no status here." Audrey said.

"Why are you even here?" Brei asked Audrey. "This was what Ben and I wanted. Don't mess it up with your judging." Audrey stood shock as Ben smiled,

"Thank you Brei." Ben tells her as Audrey huffed that he didn't stand up to her.

"You're Evie, right?" She smiled and nodded. "I'm Brei and please ignore Audrey."

"Of course." Evie said.

"You're Mal." Mal nodded and Brei smiled at her kindly. "Your Jay."

"You can call me whatever you want foxy."

"Than I'll call you Jay." Jay pouted from the rejection. She came to Carlos, who looked at her in aww. "You're Carlos?" He nodded. "It's nice to meet you all and welcome to Auradon." Brei turned to Ben and smiled. "I'm going to see if their rooms are ready."

"I'll be right behind you." Ben tells her as he spoke to the four VKs. When he reached Carlos, Carlos had to ask.

"Who is that?"

"Oh that's my twin Brei, I'm guessing she only told Evie and Mal her name." Mal and Evie nodded. "Brei is sweet as you can tell, but she has troubles trusting people."
Brei smiled as she walked towards the others. "Careful Doug." She tells her best friend.

"I will Brei."

"Have you seen Jane?" Brei asked. Doug shook his head no making Brei sigh. "She's probably studying so I'll find her later." She heard Ben and saw them at her dad's statue. "Don't worry Carlos, it's just a statue." Carlos nodded as jay put him down.

"Doug!" Brei smiled as she saw her best friend. "Doug here...."

"Will show you the rooms with Brei." Audrey said as she dragged Ben away.

"Bitch." Brei mumbled making Doug laugh. "This is my best friend Doug."

"Dopey's son." Brei sighed knowing where this was going.

"Follow me." Brei tells them as they left Doug. She smiled as she heard Carlos name off one of the dwarves. "Mal, Evie, I'm going to be honest. Your room may not be up to your standards." Mal nodded as they walked in. "Boys, this way." The two followed her as Doug caught up to them. "Here is your room." The boys where shocked. "I hope you guys like it here and I'll see you in class." Brei tells them.

"Bye Brei." They said as she left. Doug looked at the two.

"Don't break her trust." Doug tells the boys as he left. Carlos took notes mentally as he wanted to get to know Brei.

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