Chapter 9 - That Little Shit!!

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I grab Star's phone and call this shit head Billy, how could he say that to her?! I worry about today's society.

*ring ring, ring ring, rin-*


What a suprise to see your caller ID Star.


Listen here you little shit, Star means so much to me and Phil and all of her friends, you wouldn't believe! So why don't you back the fuck down and leave her alone!


Oh Daniel, we all know you don't like her, so save the shit for someone else. You only feel sorry for her Dan, and even if YOU don't, Phil certainly does.


Phil does care, her family care, her friends care, her subscribers care, so why the fuck don't you?


Because she's a waste of space


Well that was the worst phone call ever.

*Star's POV*

I can hear Dan shouting his head off in the lounge, I'm glad Phil went out to get coffee, he doesn't have to witness this.

All of a sudden there's silence, and Dan walks out of the lounge.

"If you get anymore texts from him ignour them , you understand me?" he says, pulling me into a hug.

"Dan..... Oxygen...... Can't... Breathe........ Help" I say, I don't know how though

"Oh yeah, sorry haha." And with that the door swung open, reveiling Phil with 3 Coffees and a paper bag.

"Starbucks and cookies anyone?" Phil says, grinning like a five year old. Well, he is a five year old at heart I guess.

"MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Me and Dan scream, making Phil nearly drop the cookies.

We all sit down on the sofa, coffee in one hand and a plate of cookies on the coffee table. We sit in silence, munching on cookies with the Tv blasting out Adventure Time. We try to sing the themetune with a mouthfull of cookies, we just ended up chocking and spitting cookie everywhere.

I take a glance at my phone and notice I have multiple texts from Peej.

"Uh guys, what time were we supposed to meet up with Chirs and Peej?" I say, watching there faces turn blank.

"Oh shit, we were supposed to meet them half an hour ago!"

I quickly call Peej, while we run around the flat to grab shoes and coats.

"Hi Peej, sorry we're late, we lost track of time! We are leaving the flat now!"

"Oh right, well the tube ot delayed so we're running late as well, so see you in China town in 15 mins?"

"We'll try to get there in that time Peej, I'm not the Flash" I laugh and I hear Chris crack up in the background. "HI CHRIS" I scream, causing Pj to give out a little yelp, causing me to burst out in a fit of laughter, which will surely result in hiccups.

"See you in a bit Pj" I say inbetween laughs.

I hang up, put my shoes and my leather jackets on and follow Dan and Phil outside into the streets of London.

*And that's Chapter 9!!! Sorry it's so late, I've been uder alot of stress recently. I will update Chapter 10 tomorrow, I promise, I owe you guys it!

Bye for now guys, Dais out! >.<*

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