Chapter 4 - London Awaits...

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*Star's POV*

"Miss, Miss, wake up. We're in London Miss" says the old woman who was sat near me, shaking me awake. Whoops

"Thank you for waking me, how long have we been in London?"

"10 minutes. Your phone has been ringing non stop, I think the caller ID said Dan?"

I check my phone, 17 missed calls from Dan!!!!

"Yes it was Dan, 17 missed calls. I'd better call him back. Thanks for waking me up, good bye"

I grab my things and hurry off the train, grabbing my ticket from my bag. I think it would be a good idea to call Dan back *RING RING, RING RING* Speak of the devil

"Hello" I say, trying not to yawn, I'm so tired.

"Finally, I thought something had happened!! Are you alright???" How does he have so much energy, its midnight!!

"I'm fine Dan I was just sleeping don't worry!!!" He worries a lot, a pet habit

"Sorry, sorry. Where are you? It's freezing at this station!!" Tell me about it

I see him, standing by the gate. I never realised how much I had missed him, his hair, his style, his eyes, his everything

"Yeah I see you," I say waving

"Really, where are you??" He says, looking around. He finally sees me, smiling as soon as he does. God, he's so beautiful

I hang up the phone and run to the gate, showing the man my ticket. He lets me through and I run into Dan's arms and burst into tears. I don't even know why I'm crying, and I'm getting weird looks from people

"Hey, its ok. Come on, lets get you home."

I slowly stop crying, until it turns to sniffles. Great, now my mascara has run and my eyes are all puffy, for f*ck sakes

He takes my satchel and we walk towards the underground. I have an oyster card (thanks to Dan, he said I needed one, turns out he was right) so I swipe it and head towards the train.

"Dan, where's Phil?" I say, seeing his face sink when I mention his name

"He stayed at home, he was out cold when I left"

"Does he know you left?" I say,

"Yeah, I left a note on the table"


We get to the platform and the tube (London underground train, in case you don't know) arrives almost instantly. We step on the tube and take a seat, seeing as its pretty empty. I drop my bags and lean on Dans shoulder and fall asleep almost instantly...

* So thats the end of Chapter 4!!! I'm so sorry its super late, I've just been busy with homework, I think it should be illegal to have homework at half term. Hopefully chapter 5 will be up later tonight as well, seeing as its a short one. I hope you like the story so far!

Dais Out >.< *

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