Chapter 11 - Pizza and Video Games

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*Star's POV*

I slowly open my eyes, to be blinded by a white light. I cover my eyes to see properly and groan.

"Star! Dan, Chris, she's awake!" Shouts Pj, pulling down the blinds so I can see properly.

"What happened?" I say, sitting up to see a selection of Video games and a Pizza menu on the coffee table.

"Well, you passed out after you had a panic attack, so we cancelled the booking in China Town and took you home, cause we thought you would feel better here! We let you order the pizza, much to Chris' disgust!" Peej says, making me giggle.

"STAR!!" Dan ad Chris shout in unison.

"We were worried! Has that ever happened before?" Dan asks. His eyes are blotchy, liked he'd been crying and his fingers are bleeding slightly, which happens when he's been picking at them. He was clearly distressed.

"Yeah, it happened alot back when I first met you guys, but it happened a few weeks ago. But don't worry, I'm fine, them fangirls slightly worried me." I say. I don't tell them I haven't taken my medicine for my anxiety for a week. "Is there anything on the news about me being seen?" I ask, starting to panic again.

"We've checked every 10 minutes for the past hour, nothing so far." Phil says, making me relax again.

"Thank god! Sorry to ruin yor 18th Chris," I say, feeling really guilty (Surprise! Chris is 18 in this and dating Pj who's 24)

"It's fine Star, not your fault, you can't help when they happen" Chris says, bringing me into a hug.

"Ok, what Pizza do you guys want?" I ask, grabbing my phone to order online.

"Hawian!" Phil shouts, because it's our favourite.

"Meat feast!" The others shout, clearly hungry.

"Ok, Hawian and Meat feast it is! I'm guessing you want Ice cream and a load of Coke?" I ask, getting nods in agreement.

I order the food while the nerds set up Mario cart on our Nintendo's. We play for what seems like forever until the doorbell rings

"PIZZAAAAAA!!!!" We all shout in unison, Phil standing up to get the Pizza. That's usually my job but because I'm "missing" I can't answer the door.

We all grab a slice of pizza and continue with the game. After about 30 minutes and too many slices of pizza Chris speaks up.

"Guys this is getting a bit tedious, can we watch some flims?" He asks, so I grab my movie collection I keep at Dan and Phil's place. I guess it's my place now as well.

I put Donnie Darko on, which is my favourite film of all time (If you haven't seen Donnie Darko, I seriously recommend it! (It's on Netflix ;) )) and put some popcorn in the microwave. We all squish onto the couch, me tucked in the middle of the boys.

We sit in silence and watch films into the night, while I think how amazing my life is.

*Thats Chapter 11! Very cute-sy, but the next chapter is going to be interesting! Bye guys,
Dais out >.<*

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