Chapter 2 - The Train

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I arrive at the train station, dried tears stain my face. I'm still shaking, and I don't think I will be stopping any time soon.

I get my ticket for the machine and walk into the newsagents, having a craving for a Shout Mag and Extra gum.

I grab the things I need and walk up to the counter and stand there uncomfortably, while the cashier stares at me, then at my wrists.

I quickly pay and shuffle out, trying avoid eye contact with everyone. I walk up to the barriers and shove my ticket into the slot. I shuffle through the barriers and get on the train. Luckily not many people get on so I grab a table.

The trains starts moving, and I start to feel sick. What's Dan going to say?? The ticket conductor grabs my ticket and stares at me.

"How old are you Miss??" He asked. He's young, a bit round and short. What does HE want?

"15" I say, pouting.

"It's a bit late for a girl of your age to be on a train. Is anyone meeting you in London?" It's not late, it's 8:45pm for Christ's sakes.

"My friends" I'm getting annoyed at this point.

"How old are your 'Friends'?" What?! Did he really just ask me that??

"23 and 27"

"Fair enough. Have a safe journey" He says, then he's gone.

Yep. That just happened.

I grab my phone. 80% battery. That's enough to get me to London.

I text Dan,

"On the train, just left Norwich, See you in 3 hours xx"

I get a reply almost instantly,

"Ok Star, can't wait to see you xx"

It's now 9 pm. I'll be in London at Midnight. No one will know I'm missing until the morning.

I grab my headphones, plug them into my phone and open Spotify. Citizens Erased by Muse started to play, which Dan got me into, seeing as it's on of his favourite songs, which happens to be from his favourite album, Origin Of Symmetry.

I start to mouth the lyrics as I slowly dose into a sleep I wish would never end...

* Hi everyone, so these are the first 2 chapters of my story!! Don't worry it gets more interesting...

Unless you haven't realized this story is about Star and her 2 friends Dan and Phil, the internet stars. She met them 2 years previously and that's when Dan noticed the scars on her wrists. She's been friends with them ever since, although Phil doesn't know the true story behind the scars.

I hope you enjoy the story,

Dais out >.< *

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